
2D ASCII graphing software. This is extremely basic. Prepare to be amazed by these... graphics. Yeah.

Primary LanguageC++

This is just a 2d graphing device.
This allows you to input very basic 2d equations and have them output onto the command line. 
Change the size of the grid by updating the xSize and Ysize variables.
Choose an option (0-3) depending on which equation you wish to use.
Enter inputs for the numbers. 
Watch the graph be output onto the screen. Its like Desmos if Desmos was completely useless. You're welcome.
If you wanted to change the ascii of the graph you can update some variables (line , background)
Made by Trenton Schwartz

Possible feature additions?
Merge this with the shunting yard rpn calculator to turn this into a - well, calculator. 
Allow users to input equations and then graph them, all without the stupid conditionals that take up too much space and are clunky to use.
Essentially, turn this program into the worst possible mathway clone on the planet. Good luck using this thing to get through calc2. I dare you to try.