Front-End Testing
refer to
Why Test?
- Prevents fear of refactoring
- Documentation
- Catches potential bugs
- Testing framework for React
- Mock components
- Facebook's JS testing framework
- Great for React
- npm install --save-dev jest
- npm install --save-dev babel-jest
- npm install --save-dev redux-mock-store
- Edit packgage.json to run jest when you run npm test
- Add .babelrc file
Testing Redux
- Relatively simple
- Pure functions
Component Testing
- Enzyme
- jQuery like API on components
Component Testing
- npm install save-dev enzyme
import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
describe('<MyComponent />', () => {
it('should render three <Foo /> components', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />)
Where to Go from here
- Add tests to your FSP
- Add tests to JS project
- Add Jest to your resume
- Add tests whenever possible on coding challenges!