
Nginx + PHP-FPM buildpack for Heroku

Primary LanguageShell

Japancakes -- Nginx + PHP-FPM build pack for Heroku

This is a build pack bundling Nginx + PHP-FPM for Heroku applications.

  • Includes additional extensions: apc, memcache, memcached, mysql, pgsql, phpredis, mcrypt, and sqlite.
  • Dependency management handled by Composer.


The config files are bundled:

  • conf/nginx.conf.erb
  • conf/etc.d/01_memcached.ini
  • conf/etc.d/02_memcache.ini
  • conf/etc.d/03_phpredis.ini
  • conf/php.ini
  • conf/php-fpm.conf

Overriding Configuration Files During Deployment

Create a conf/ directory in the root of the your deployment. Any files with names matching the above will be copied over and overwitten.

This way, you can customize settings specific to your application, especially the document root in nginx.conf.erb. (Note the .erb extension.)

Pre-compiling binaries


Edit support/set-env.sh and bin/compile to update the version numbers.

$ gem install vulcan
$ vulcan create build-server-name
$ export AWS_SECRET="fj2jjchebsjksmMJCN387RHNjdnddNfi4jjhshh3"
$ export S3_BUCKET="bucket-name"
$ source support/set-env.sh

Edit bin/compile and support/set-env.sh to reflect the correct S3 bucket.



$ support/package_nginx

The binary package will be produced in the current directory. Upload it to Amazon S3.



$ support/package_libmcrypt

The binary package will be produced in the current directory. Upload it to Amazon S3.



$ support/package_libmemcached

The binary package will be produced in the current directory. Upload it to Amazon S3.


PHP requires supporting libraries to be available when being built. Please have the preceding packages built and uploaded onto S3 before continuing.

Review the support/vulcan-build-php.sh build script and verify the version numbers in support/set-env.sh.


$ support/package_php

The binary package will be produced in the current directory. Upload it to Amazon S3.

Bundling Caching

To speed up the slug compilation stage, precompiled binary packages are cached. The buildpack will attempt to fetch manifest.md5sum to verify that the cached packages are still fresh.

This file is generated with the md5sum tool:

$ md5 *.tar.gz > manifest.md5sum

Contents of manifest.md5sum:

$ cat manifest.md5sum
7d99f732e54f6f53e026dd86de4158ac  libmcrypt-2.5.8.tar.gz
1390676a5df6dc658fd9bce66eedae48  libmemcached-1.0.7.tar.gz
9b861de30f67a66358d58a8f897f6262  nginx-1.2.2-heroku.tar.gz
ca9f712f2dde107f7a0ef44f0b743f1f  php-5.4.4-with-fpm-heroku.tar.gz

Remember to upload an updated manifest.md5sum to Amazon S3 whenever you upload new precompiled binary packages.


Read through this whole README file first and decide if you need to make any changes to this buildpack; most customizations do not require editing the buildpack scripts. However, if you do need to make changes, fork this repo and replace the following URLs with yours.


To use this buildpack, on a new Heroku app:

heroku create -s cedar -b git://github.com/tjstein/japancakes.git

On an existing app:

heroku config:add BUILDPACK_URL=git://github.com/tjstein/japancakes.git
heroku config:add PATH="/app/vendor/bin:/app/local/bin:/app/vendor/nginx/sbin:/app/vendor/php/bin:/app/vendor/php/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"

Push deploy your app and you should see Nginx, mcrypt, and PHP being bundled.

Declaring Dependencies using Composer

Composer is the de facto dependency manager for PHP, similar to Bundler in Ruby.

  • Declare your dependencies in composer.json; see docs for syntax and other details.
  • Run php composer.phar install locally at least once to generate a composer.lock file. Make sure both composer.json and composer.lock files are committed into version control.
  • When you push the app, the buildpack will fetch and install dependencies when it detects both composer.json and composer.lock files.

Note: It is optional to have composer.phar within the application root. If missing, the buildpack will automatically fetch the latest version available from http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar.


Original buildpack adapted and modified for Nginx + PHP support by Ronald Ip. Buildpack originally inspired, and forked from https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-php.

Credits to original authors.