
Calculations of parameter ranges for predictive power of HST in application to CMB fluctuations.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Calculations of parameter ranges for predictive power of HST in application to CMB fluctuations.

##Introduction## Here we are taking an ansatz for the scale factor during the evolution of the early universe, informed by the theory of Holographic Spacetime (HST), which predicts at early times that the dominant contributor to the energy density of the universe was a dense black hole fulid. This matter (in the form of black holes) here has the equation of state of a perfect fluid, and there is an additional contribution to energy density from radiation due to black hole evaporation.

Solving the Einstein equations during this era gives an effective scale factor evolution that goes as $$a(t) \propto \sinh^{1/3}\left(\frac{t}{b}\right)$$.