
the track2 code of the SMARTS competition of NIPS-22

Primary LanguagePython

Track-2: Offline Learning


Objective is to develop a single offline learning policy capable of controlling single-agent or multi-agent to complete different driving scenarios. In each driving scenario the ego-agents must drive towards their respective goal locations.

The challenge is to develop a model that can be trained using only offline datasets, without any interactions with any online environments.

Track-2 participants are required to submit their training code for us to train a new model from scratch using hidden offline dataset. The newly trained model will then be evaluated.

Data and Model

  1. For offline training, consider downloading and using the following two naturalistic autonomous driving datasets.
  2. In order to browse and replay Waymo Dataset, use the scl waymo overview and scl waymo preview commands.
  3. In order to convert a Waymo dataset into an equivalent SMARTS scenario, use the scl waymo export command.
  4. In order to convert a Waymo dataset into an equivalent SMARTS dataset, do the following.
  5. A subset of Waymo and NGSIM datasets which have useful and interesting trajectories are provided here. This subset may be used to focus the training. The provided data conversion tool can be used to convert these datasets into an equivalent offline SMARTS observation dataset.
  6. The trained model should accept multi-agent observation of the format Dict[agent_name: agent_observation]. Observation space for each agent is smarts.core.sensors.Observation. For more details on the contents of Observation class, see here.
  7. Each agent's mission goal is given in the observation returned at each time step. The mission goal could be accessed as observation.ego_vehicle_state.mission.goal.position which gives an (x, y, z) map coordinate of the goal location.
  8. Trained model should output multi-agent action of the format Dict[agent_name: agent_action]. Action space for each agent is smarts.core.controllers.ActionSpaceType.TargetPose which is a sequence of [x-coordinate, y-coordinate, heading, and time-delta]. Use time-delta=0.1.

Process Overview

Folder Structure

  1. The structure of the zipped folder uploaded for Track-2 should be as follows. The folder and file names are to be maintained.
    track2                       # Main folder.
    ├── train                    # Contains code to train a model offline.
    │   ├── train.py             # Primary training script for training a new model.
    │   ├── ...                  # Other necessary training files.
    |   .
    |   .
    |   .
    ├── submission                       
    |    ├── policy.py            # A policy with an act method, wrapping the saved model.
    |    ├── requirements.txt     # Dependencies needed to run the model.
    |    ├── explanation.md       # Brief explanation of the key techniques used in developing the submitted model.
    |    ├── ...                  # Other necessary files for inference.
    |    .
    |    .
    |    .
    └── Dockerfile                # Dockerfile to build and run the training code.
  2. Do not include any pre-trained models within the submitted folder for Track-2.

Train Folder

  1. Use python3.8 to develop your model.
  2. The track2/train/train.py code should be capable of reading in new offline data fed in by the competition organizers, train a new model offline from scratch, and automatically save the newly trained model into the track2/submission folder.

Submission Folder

  1. On completion of training, the track2/train/train.py code should automatically save the trained model into the track2/submission folder.
  2. Place all necessary files to run the saved model for inference inside the track2/submission folder.
  3. The files named policy.py, requirements.txt, and explanation.md, must be included within this folder. Its contents are identical to that of Track-1 and they are explained at

Dockerfile, DockerHub, Training, and Evaluation

  1. The submitted track2 folder must contain a track2/Dockerfile.
  2. Build upon the base Dockerfile provided at track2/Dockerfile. Feel free to use any desired base image, install any additional packages, etc.
  3. The Docker image should start training upon execution of docker run command, hence do not change the ENTRYPOINT command and do not change the track2/entrypoint.sh script.
  4. Build the docker image and push it to DockerHub.
    $ cd <path>/SMARTS/competition/track2
    $ docker build \
        --file=./Dockerfile \
        --network=host \ 
  5. Provide the link to the DockerHub image in track2/submission/explanation.md file.
  6. After uploading your Docker image, proceed to zip the entire track2 folder and submit to Codalab Track-2.
  7. In the server, during evaluation, the docker image will be pulled and executed as follows to train a new model.
    $ docker run --rm -it \
    New offline dataset is made available to the container for training via a mapped volume at /SMARTS/competition/offline_dataset directory. The directory has the following structure. The state space of each vehicle follows the SMARTS observation format, except for the RGB images which are saved individually as <time>_<vehicle_id>.png.
        ├── <scenario_id>                      # One scene of variable time length
        |   ├── <time>_<vehicle_id>.png        # bird-eye view image of <vehicle_id> at <time>
        |   ├── <time>_<vehicle_id>.png        # bird-eye view image of <vehicle_id> at <time>         
        |   |  .
        |   |  .
        |   └── <vehicle_id>.pkl               # state space of <vehicle_id> over all time        
        ├── <scenario_id>                      # One scene of variable time length
        |   ├── <time>_<vehicle_id>.png        # bird-eye view image of <vehicle_id> at <time>
        |   ├── <time>_<vehicle_id>.png        # bird-eye view image of <vehicle_id> at <time>        
        |   |  .
        |   |  .
        |   ├── <vehicle_id>.pkl               # state space of <vehicle_id> over all time
        |   └── <vehicle_id>.pkl               # state space of <vehicle_id> over all time
        |   .
        |   .
  8. Inside the container, on completion of training, the trained model should be saved in /SMARTS/competition/track2/submission folder such that calling /SMARTS/competition/track2/submission/policy.py::Policy.act(obs) with a multi-agent SMARTS observation as input returns a multi-agent TargetPose action as output.
  9. The /SMARTS/competition/track2/submission folder will be zipped, mapped out from the container, and evaluated by the same evaluation script as that of Track-1. See evaluation README.md.
  10. During development, it is strongly suggested to submit your zipped track2/submission folder to the Validation stage in Codalab, to verify that the evaluation works without errors.
  11. Finally, the offline training code in track2/train directory will be manually scrutinised.

Submit to Codalab

  • Zip the entire track2 folder.
    • If the track2 folder is located at <path>/SMARTS/competition/track2, then run the following to easily create a zipped folder.
      $ cd <path>/SMARTS/competition
      $ make track2_submission.zip 
  • Upload the track2.zip to CodaLab.
    • Go to the CodaLab competition page.
    • Click My Competitions -> Competitions I'm In.
    • Select the SMARTS competition.
    • Click Participate -> Submit/View Results -> Track 2 -> Submit
    • Upload the zipped folder.