Accelerometer Data Ingest

This project is an example Node.js server that accepts data from a Notehub proxy route and sends it to the Edge Impulse ingestion API.


To run this project you must have Node and npm installed. Once you do, clone or download the repository, navigate to the accelerometer-data-ingest folder, and use npm install to install all necessary dependencies.

npm install

Next, create a .env file in the root of the repository, and paste in the following code, making sure to insert your own Edge Impulse API key.

EDGE_IMPULSE_API_KEY="<your Edge Impulse API key goes here>"

Finally, use node to start up the development server that accepts data from the proxy route.

node server.js


This project starts a server that expects data to be POSTed to http://localhost:3000. For use with Notehub, you need to either deploy this server to a host that’s accessible on the public internet, or use a tunnel to make your local environment accessible.

For tunneling ngrok works really well as it has a generous free tier, and can make your local environment available with a single command.

ngrok http 3000

This command gives you a single URL you can copy and paste into a Notehub proxy route.

Data Format

This project expects to receive a binary/octet-stream of accelerometer readings, where each reading is a set of x, y, and z values represented as 32-bit floats.

See this sample Zephyr app for an example of an implementation.