
my Nefarious Scheme

Primary LanguagePython

Nefarious Scheme.

A programming language with:

  • mutable syntax.
  • an efficient yet dynamic parser.
  • function syntax rather than function names.
  • equivalence between types and CFG non-terminals.
  • lexical scope.
  • CFG rule priority: newest takes precedence [so shadowing works!].
  • an incremental hybrid GC.
  • a fast tracing JIT bytecode VM (based on PyPy). [not yet—compilers are hard!]

Written in RPython; compiles to native code (via C), using the RPython toolchain. But it can also run on top of a standard Python interpreter (albeit slower).

Work in progress.


Nefarious is a text-based programming language. It has mutable syntax: the language grammar can be extend at runtime.

The idea is to do away with DSLs and operator overloading and so on, and just have fully general function syntax.

Here's a quick (and poorly chosen) example:

define Int:a + Int:b { return (INT_ADD a b) }
define Int:a - Int:b { return (INT_SUB a b) }
define if Bool:test then Block:tv else Block:fv { ... }

define fib Int:n {
	if n < 2 then { return 1 } else { return fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2) }

It has a very simple tokenisation stage: it separates out newlines, whitespace, individual punctuation characters, and strings of digits; anything that's left tokenises as a WORD.

I use a sophisticated Earley parser; this allows me to be flexible and extend the grammar during parsing.

When a variable declaration is encountered, eg:

	let x = 42

the parser adds a new production Int -> x to the grammar.

Blocks { } have their own scope. When we enter a block, we save the current grammar onto a stack; upon exiting the block we pop its rules. In this way the parser gives us lexical scope and variable shadowing for free.

Functions are defined not with names, but with a list of symbols. (This gets converted into a CFG rule.) eg:

    define fib Int:n { ... }

The function fib _ has one argument slot, named n, of type Int.

Upon entering the function's body, the parser pushes its arguments onto the stack; like we did variables.

After parsing the entire body, the function is type-checked, and a new rule added to the grammar; in this case Int -> 'fib' Int.

In this way, the parser builds up a Scheme-like AST for the whole program file.

Just like Scheme, we could support macros which are evaluated at compile-time (after parse-time).

To make all this manageable, we enforce an equivalence between non-terminals (in the CFG) and types (in the language's type system). So the LHS of a production is always its type: Int/Bool/Text/whatever. There are special types for Line and Block and Program.

This is done to help resolve ambiguity; there's no point accepting parses that won't type-check, when there are other parses that will.

Although moving type-checking into the parser may turn out to be horrible to use in practice!

The other tool for resolving ambiguity is ordered choice; if two different productions result in the same non-terminal, the one defined most recently always wins. (This is why shadowing works.)

There's some extra magic to handle parametric types/rules — eg T -> if Bool then T else T, or List T -> T ',' T [Except for left-recursive parametrics, eg. T -> T, which turns out to be iffy.]

This is all then compiled to bytecode for a custom VM. My plan is for the "core" language to just define rules for emitting the bytecodes; defining labels & jumps; and handling functions and name bindings; and then everything else can be implemented in the language itself, including control flow and all the built-in syntax.

The idea, after all, was to do away with DSLs! I imagine there would be standard "preambles" which define a nice language to work with. Maybe even specialised ones for different domains (science, math)?

I've omitted a few details (eg. upvars, optional whitespace), but this overview is too long as it is!

There are a range of fun extensions to the language and/or compiler: I could add an optimising compiler to the VM, and do flow analysis/SSA. Implementing closures properly could be fun. And the language would rather benefit from unevaluated argument types: define while (Uneval Bool):test do Block:body?


Ubuntu: you'll need the following before make will work (of course, you might have them already):

sudo apt-get install build-essential git unzip python

For making the JIT (make nfsj), you'll need to run:

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev pkg-config

Installing pypy is recommended (builds might be faster).