Warning: This repo is for informational and teaching purposes only, and these scripts are for testing purposes only. It's reccomended that you use a test account with top-level domains (TLDs) you don't care for losing. By using these scripts, you agree that I am not responsible for any losses that may be had from such use.
- python / python3
- Linux / Ubuntu
- dotenv
Minor changes were made to https://github.com/pretended/namebase-marketplace to best suit the purpose.
setup authorizations on your account: input your information into a .env file at the root directory:
namebaseUserEmail = "<your@email>"
namebaseUserPassword = "<yourPassword>"
namebaseMainCookie = "<your"NamebsebaseMain"Cookie>"
for more info on the cookie, see 'Github OAuth bypass and 2FA Auth Bypass' below.
You can find these scripts in dsheets/scripts and the accompanying csv files in dsheets/csv. For best results, run them in the following order:
- To put domains into a 'domains.csv' file; run in terminal:
python3 domains_to_csv.py
- Setup initial listings of 1000000HNS each for domains in 'domains.csv':
python3 first_listing.py
- Put TLDs currently for sale into 'selling.csv':
python3 forsale_to_csv.py
- To list for specific prices, edit the price for a domain in selling.csv, and run:
python3 update_prices.py
- To batch add dLinks, paste names list under "label" column, input your desired url and title into the add_dlinks.py script, and run:
python3 add_dlinks.py
- Once you add dLinks, you will need to publish the page for it to be public. To publish a page, edit the publish_dlinks address and run:
python3 publish_dlinks.py
- Put current dLinks into 'dlinks.csv' (currently an unseperated list- fix coming soon), run:
python3 dlinks_to_csv.py
Python 3.6+ client for interacting with Namebase Marketplace API.
Instantiating the Marketplace object can be done either by using email and password or None. Only post requests can be made authenticated.
Websocket API is not provided.
- Python 3.6 or greater
pip install namebase-marketplace
from namebase_marketplace.marketplace import *
marketplace = Marketplace(email="YOUR EMAIL", pwd="YOUR PASSWORD")
marketplace.open_bid(domain='domain', bid_amount=0.4, blind_amount=100)
from namebase_marketplace.marketplace import *
marketplace = Marketplace()
marketplace.get_marketplace_domains(offset=100) # Get 101-200 latest marketplace domains with default options
On some endpoints you can pass options, please refer them to the following documentation: https://github.com/namebasehq/api-documentation/blob/master/marketplace-api.md
You can bypass these restrictions to use this library by replacing the following code on your namebase_marketplace package and marketplace class:
self.cookies = { "namebase-main": "s:lF21222EXX2323c-EXAMPLE.THIS_IS_AN_EXAMPLE++121HRYL/23+42c/12hOEEXAMPLE223" }
This is the cookie Namebase uses to auth you within the app. You can find this cookie when reloading any page and going to Network on Inspection Mode. Head to a request and find this cookie under "Cookies" tab on any explorer along with other kind of cookies.
I have made this library open-sourced and free to use. However, if you consider this library has helped you, or you just want to sponsor me, donations are welcomed to one of my HANDSHAKE addresses.