A version of this library has been audited by Hacken. More details are available in the report.
SolidState is an upgradeable-first Solidity smart contract development library.
It consists of the following packages:
package | description | 📕 |
@solidstate/abi |
contract ABIs | 📖 |
@solidstate/contracts |
core contracts | 📖 |
@solidstate/library |
functions for interacting with and validating contracts | 📖 |
@solidstate/spec |
portable tests which may be run against third-party implementations of core contracts | 📖 |
All contracts are designed to either be deployed through the standard constructor
method, or referenced by a proxy. To this end, the diamond storage pattern is employed exclusively.
Where possible, automated tests are designed to be imported by repositories which make use of the SolidState contracts and run against any derived contracts. This is to help prevent unintended changes to to the base contract behavior.
For example, consider a custom ERC20Base
import '@solidstate/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20Base.sol';
contract CustomToken is ERC20Base {
// custom code...
Rather than rewrite the ERC20Base
tests or assume that all core behavior remains untouched, one can import the included tests and run them against the custom implementation:
describe('CustomToken', function () {
let instance;
beforeEach(async function () {
const factory = await ethers.getContractFactory('CustomToken');
instance = await factory.deploy();
await instance.deployed();
deploy: () => instance,
// custom tests...
If parts of the base implementation are changed intentionally, tests can be selectively skipped:
deploy: () => instance,
describe('#balanceOf', function () {
// custom tests
Install dependencies via Yarn:
yarn install
Setup Husky to format code on commit:
yarn prepare
Link local packages and install remaining dependencies via Lerna:
yarn run lerna bootstrap
Compile contracts via Hardhat:
yarn run hardhat compile
Automatically upgrade dependencies with yarn-up:
yarn upgrade-dependencies
Test contracts with Hardhat and generate gas report using hardhat-gas-reporter
yarn run hardhat test
Generate a code coverage report using solidity-coverage
yarn run hardhat coverage
Publish packages via Lerna:
yarn lerna-publish