
A neat Django app that adds e-commerce functionality to any project using REST endpoints.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django RESTshop

A neat Django app that adds e-commerce functionality to any project using REST endpoints.

Currently a work in progress.


  • Django >= 1.9
  • PostgreSQL >= 9.4

because I really like the JSONField.


An e-commerce app that can be used from existing webpage projects or mobile apps. Most e-commerce projects for Django are complete websites with templates and all. The code base is also A LOT smaller and thus easier to modify than for full webshop sites.

RESTshop is focused on supporting a product catalogue and the payment flow.

The database model is somewhat unusual compared to the common Order->Payment setup. This is a result of many years of e-commerce development that has led me to realize that that doesn't map well to the reality of payment flows.

Design tries to follow Django and django-restframework conventions and to rely on supplied functionality as far as possible.


The goal is to make the API feel RESTfully resource-oriented, e g:

  • List Products GET /products/
  • Create an Order (also cart) POST /order/
  • Get the current order GET /order/
  • Add OrderItems POST /order/items/
  • Remove Order item DELETE /order/items/1/
  • Pay through the creation of an Invoice resource. POST /order/invoices/


The Order model has a custom JSONField where you can stuff any extra data you need for your sales. Validate the input by connecting to the validate_custom_order_field signal.

Connect any code you like to the order_paid signal to implement your delivery functionality.

Payment Providers

Included so far is one-off support for Stripe. Payment providers are added as regular Django apps.

ToDo list

  • Discounts
  • Multiple currencies
  • Real documentation!