
A Google Analytics dashboard in your Wagtail admin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Wagtail Analytics

This module provides a simple dashboard of Google Analytics data, integrated into the Wagtail admin UI. Tested on Wagtail 1.4+.




  1. Create a service account and download the JSON key (Credentials > Create Credentials > API key)
  2. Make sure the Analytics API is enabled for your project (See issue 2)
  3. Add the service account email address as a read-only user in Google Analytics (Admin > User Management)
  4. Find the ID for your Google Analytics property (Admin > Property > View Settings, note: this is NOT the key that begins with "UA-")
  5. Store your JSON key somewhere safe, and do not check it into your repo
  6. pip install wagalytics
  7. Add 'wagalytics' to your INSTALLED_APPS
  8. Add 'wagtailfontawesome' to INSTALLED_APPS if it's not there already
  9. Update your settings:
  • GA_KEY_FILEPATH = '/path/to/secure/directory/your-key.json'

or when using environment variables (e.g. Heroku):

  • GA_KEY_CONTENT = 'content_of_your_key.json'
  • GA_VIEW_ID = 'ga:xxxxxxxx'

If you get CryptoUnavailableError errors, you probably need to pip install PyOpenSSL and/or pip install pycrypto. See StackOverflow.

Ensure that your code snippet is included on each page you want to be tracked (likely by putting it in your base.html template.) (Admin > Property > Tracking Code)

Wagalytics Developers

Developers will need to carry out the following steps after cloning wagalytics:

  • Ensure NodeJS & NPM are installed
  • Run npm install then npm run build in the top level wagalytics directory

You will need to run npm run build anytime the javascript source is updated.


  • allow configuration of results
  • better styling, e.g. using chart.js
  • Throw an error if the relevant settings aren't available
  • add per-page results


This module doesn't help with recording user activity. See the Wagtail docs and StackOverflow for pointers on how to avoid gathering data during preview and testing.


  • Thijs Kramer
  • Stefan Schärmeli
  • Alex Gleason
  • James Ramm