
:package: Trailpack to generate PDF from routes or templates for Trails.js project

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


📦 Trailpack to generate PDF from routes or templates for Trails.js project

NPM version Build status Dependency Status Code Climate Beerpay Beerpay

This Trailpack is based on phantomjs and phantomjs-node to generate PDF.

It can also generate page into image (png, jpeg) instead of PDF.


With yo :

npm install -g yo generator-trails
yo trails:trailpack trailpack-pdf

With npm (you will have to create config file manually) :

npm install --save trailpack-pdf


Load the trailpack to the main config

// config/main.js
module.exports = {
  packs: [
    // ... other trailpacks
// config/pdf.js
module.exports = {
   * Phantom launch options, default to empty
  options: ['--ignore-ssl-errors=yes', '--load-images=no'],

   * Global page settings, default to empty
   * Example : javascriptEnabled to enable/disable javascript support on the page, userAgent...
  pageSettings: {javascriptEnabled:true},

   * Global page properties, default to empty
   * Example : page size, header, footer...
  pageProperties: {
    paperSize: (phantom) => {
      return {
        format: 'A4',
        header: {
          height: '1.5cm',
          contents: phantom.callback(function (pageNum, numPages) {
            return '<h1>Header <span style=\'float:right\'>' + pageNum + ' / ' + numPages + '</span></h1>'
        footer: {
          height: '1.5cm',
          contents: phantom.callback(function (pageNum, numPages) {
            return '<h1>Footer <span style=\'float:right\'>' + pageNum + ' / ' + numPages + '</span></h1>'


This Trailpack expose a service to generate PDF, you can call it like this under controller/services/policies :

From route

 * Generate PDF from a Trails route, or route path
 * You can override global page settings and properties, these params are optional
this.app.services.PdfService.generateFromRoute('/', '/path/to/my/file.pdf', {javascriptEnabled: true}, {pageSize: {format: 'A4'})
.then(() => {
  //pdf generated
.catch(err => this.log.error(err))

From URL

 * Generate PDF from an URL
 * You can override global page settings and properties, these params are optional
this.app.services.PdfService.generateFromUrl('http://google.fr', '/path/to/my/file.pdf', {javascriptEnabled: true}, {pageSize: {format: 'A4'})
.then(() => {
  //pdf generated
.catch(err => this.log.error(err))

From HTML or Template engine (jade, ejs...)

const path = 'html.pdf'
const template = 'index.jade'
const fn = jade.compile(fs.readFileSync(template))
this.app.services.PdfService.generateFromHtml(fn(), path).then(status => {
  //pdf generated
}).catch(err => done(err))

Generate image instead of PDF

Use same code as above but change the extension to .png or .jpeg


We love contributions! In order to be able to review your code efficiently, please keep the following in mind:

  1. Pull Requests (PRs) must include new and/or updated tests, and all tests must pass.
  2. Use eslint! See the eslintConfig in package.json.
  3. Please reference the relevant issue in your Pull Request.



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