
Run Debezium/KafkaConnect CDC components in Kubernetes (debezium.io)

Primary LanguageJava

Running Debezium on Kubernetes/OpenShift

This project builds the kubernetes manifest files for running Zookeeper (standalone at the moment), Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect with the Debezium MySQL connector and a MySQL 5.6 database on Kubernetes. The project uses the awesome fabric8-maven-plugin for automatically generating the manifest in both json and yaml formats.

To build, go to the root of this project and run:

mvn clean install

Then you can look in the target/classes folder of each subproject and see the kubernees.json and kubernetes.yml files. Each file specifies a Kubernetes ReplicationController (now named ReplicaSet in Kubernetes 1.2+) and a Kubernetes Service.

If you're logged in to a Kubernees cluster, you can deploy the json/yml with maven:

mvn fabric8:apply

This will read your ~/.kube/config file and deploy it into the namespace which is in your current context. Please see the fabric8-maven-plugin documentation for more details and fine grained control..

If you don't want to use Maven to deploy, you can use the kubectl tool directly. For example:

kubectl create -f zk-standalone/target/classes/kubernetes.yml