
Primary LanguageJuliaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MPSDynamics with GPU Acceleration

Tensor network code used for "Environmentally driven symmetry-breaking quenches dual fluorescence in proflavine" by Kye E. Hunter, Yuezhi Mao, Alex W. Chin, and Tim J. Zuehlsdoff.

This fork of MPSDynamics.jl has been modified by Kye E. Hunter so that some parts are now GPU accelerated. Please see the upstream repository for additional background and documentation. The majority of the changes in this version are in src/MPSDynamics.jl and scr/tensorOps.jl.


The package may be installed by typing the following into a Julia REPL

] add https://github.com/tjz21/MPSDynamics_GPU.git

Importantly, for julia to install the package with GPU acceleration, it must be installed while logged into a machine which has GPUs. This might not usually be an issue, but for computing clusters it is best to install the package from one of the nodes on which you intend to run these calculations.


Using this version is generally similar to the upstream package, and a commented example of how to calculate linear response functions is included in this repository. The major differences in this version are:

  • MPSDynamics should be loaded with the include function rather than a using statement. This is a result of needing to overwriting some functions/macros in a couple of the dependencies.
  • CPU vs GPU usage is controled with the ARGS parameter. Running on CPUs is the default, and using a GPU can be toggled with a line like push!(ARGS, "GPU").