
Lists of Reasons for arriving late at Work


Lists of Reasons for arriving late for Online Meet

  1. My kid/pet messed up my router/modem
  2. I was preparing my breakfast
  3. Desk Clock battery went off
  4. My internet is slow here as all are working from home
  5. Kids locked up my room
  6. Bio break
  7. Forgot my laptop password after the netflix weekend
  8. I cleaned my room
  9. I was coding late night yesterday
  10. I had an online doctor appointment today
  11. My kid/spouse was cranzy because of lockdown
  12. My desk clock is running 10 minutes late

Lists of Reasons for arriving late at Work

  • Traffic police caught me
  • Water Heater was not working
  • Got struck in Lift/Elevator
  • Lift/Elevator was not working took stair case/steps to reach office
  • There was no electricity at home
  • There was no water at home
  • Ran out of petrol/gas in bike/car
  • Bike/car/bicycle tire was flat
  • Got struck in traffic
  • Lost my wallet
  • Left my wallet/helmet at home and had to go back and pick it up
  • I was sick this morning
  • My roommate/friend/spouse/parent/pet/Kid was sick, I had to take him/her to clinic/hospital
  • I was invited/requested at Kid's school to be present
  • Metro/My Transit was late
  • Got speed ticket
  • Got traffic ticket
  • Alarm/Clock didnt work
  • Ola/Uber/Lyft Pool/Share took more time
  • Met with a small accident
  • My landlord was at home
  • My Kids missed the school bus
  • My Parents were at home
  • I returned today from my hometown
  • Today is Monday
  • Today is Friday
  • I left late from work yesterday
  • I was coding late night yesterday
  • My Uncle/Grand mother expired
  • I was at gym today
  • My kid/spouse was cranzy yesterday night
  • We had a birthday party last night
  • We had late party/dinner yesterday
  • I cleaned my room
  • Laundry guy was late so no dress to wear for work/My clothes were wet
  • I had stomach ache in the morning
  • I was not feeling well in the morning
  • My pet went missing
  • I got locked indoors by friend/spouse/kids
  • Had a hair cut today
  • I had a doctor appointment today
  • My kids/pet/spouse misplaced the socks/shoes
  • My in-laws were at home
  • There is no meeting/standup today
  • Had to give car/motorbike for the service
  • My Bike/Car clock is running late by X mins. I need to change it
  • I was caught in another meeting that ran over time.
  • I lost track of time while working on a project.
  • I had to troubleshoot some technical issues with my computer.
  • The internet connection was unstable due to bad weather.
  • I had to attend an emergency call from a client.
  • My computer required an urgent software update.
  • The calendar reminder for the meeting failed to notify me.
  • I was helping my kids with their online schoolwork.
  • My headset/microphone was not working properly.
  • My home office was unexpectedly noisy due to nearby construction work.
  • I had to deal with a plumbing emergency at home.
  • My laptop crashed just before the meeting.
  • There was a power cut in my area.
  • My VPN was not connecting properly.
  • I had an unexpected visitor at home.
  • I had to unexpectedly assist a coworker with an urgent task.
  • I got stuck on a long customer service call.
  • My home alarm system was triggered and I had to deal with it.
  • I was dealing with a minor household accident.
  • I was momentarily distracted by a personal phone call.
  • I was dealing with an unexpected work email that required immediate attention.
  • I had difficulty finding the meeting link in my cluttered inbox.
  • I was handling a pressing personal matter.
  • My internet provider had an outage.
  • I was momentarily occupied with a delivery at my door.
  • I was resolving a billing dispute over the phone.
  • I was tending to a sick family member.
  • I got caught up in an interesting research and lost track of time.
  • My webcam was not working and I had to fix it.
  • My room was too dark, so I had to set up proper lighting for the video call.
  • I had to unexpectedly pick up a prescription from the pharmacy.
  • My pet had a minor emergency.
  • I was troubleshooting a problem with my home security system.
  • I was dealing with an unexpected software bug in my work.
  • I was on hold with tech support.
  • I was caught up in an important discussion with a colleague.
  • I was momentarily helping a neighbor with an emergency.
  • I was stuck on a particularly challenging problem in my work.
  • I had an unexpected car problem and had to deal with it.
  • I had to help my kid with a technical issue on their computer.
  • My meeting software required a sudden update.
  • My home office was too hot/cold, so I had to adjust the heating/cooling system.
  • I was waiting for an important package to be delivered.
  • I was dealing with an unexpected travel booking issue.
  • I was preoccupied with preparing for an upcoming presentation.
  • My alarm didn't go off.
  • I had an emergency dentist appointment.
  • There was a water leak in my home that needed immediate attention.
  • My Wi-Fi signal was weak and I had to find a better spot.
  • I was setting up a new home office layout.
  • I had an important call from the bank.
  • I got caught up in traffic while running an errand.
  • I was finishing a critical report.
  • I had to take an unexpected call from my child's school.
  • I had to sort out a family misunderstanding.
  • I was stuck on a complex part of my project.
  • I had to answer the door for a repairman.
  • I was having trouble with my home automation system.
  • I had a sudden allergic reaction and needed to take medication.
  • I was engrossed in a new and challenging task.
  • I was on the phone with the police reporting a minor incident in my neighborhood.
  • I had to urgently help my elderly parent with an issue.
  • I was attending to a cooking mishap in the kitchen.
  • I was dealing with a sudden, severe headache.
  • I was resolving an unexpected issue with my insurance company.
  • I was helping my spouse with an urgent work matter.
  • I was waiting for a tow truck because my car broke down.
  • I had to unexpectedly drive my child to a class.
  • I was setting up a new productivity tool on my laptop.
  • I was momentarily dealing with a major online shopping error.
  • I had a sudden disruption in my home due to fire alarm testing.
  • I was helping a friend with a crisis over the phone.
  • I was dealing with an urgent house repair.
  • My meal delivery arrived late and I had to sort it out.
  • I was stuck in a lengthy dispute with an online vendor.
  • I was trying to manage a problem with a household appliance.
  • I was dealing with a billing error from my utility company.
  • I was recovering from a minor injury I had earlier in the day.
  • I had to urgently water my garden due to unexpected hot weather.
  • I had to console my upset child who had a bad dream.
  • I was recovering from a minor bug and took some time to gather myself.
  • I had to mediate an argument between my kids.
  • I was waiting for an urgent courier that contained important documents.
  • I had to respond to an urgent recall notice for a product I own.
  • I was discussing an important issue with my landlord.
  • I was engrossed in an online learning course and lost track of time.
  • I was watching an important news bulletin about a local event.
  • I was helping my pet who was behaving oddly.
  • I was trying to fix an error with my payroll details.
  • I had to unexpectedly prep for another meeting that was rescheduled to an earlier time.
  • I had a surprise visit from a family member who needed assistance.
  • I was dealing with an unexpected tax notice.
  • I was discussing a sudden change in a project with a colleague.
  • I was dealing with a burst pipe in my home.
  • I had to attend to a sick pet.
  • My kid had a meltdown just before the meeting.
  • I had to fix a sudden issue with my home networking system.
  • I had a parcel delivery that needed a signature.
  • I was dealing with a billing discrepancy with a service provider.
  • I had an urgent matter to discuss with my child's teacher.