

  • Raspberry Pi Model4 4GB RAM version and Micro SSD for RPi Storage.
  • Latest Raspbian OS.
  • RPi enables ssh and vnc. VNC is for the demo.
  • RPi hosts a Consul Sidecar and a pic-encryptor app.
  • RPi need to have a camera module.
  • Local PC(MAC) hosts a Consul Sidecar, face-bootifier app, Consul Server, Vault Server, Prometheus and Grafana.
  • SLACK Token for sending direct messages to you



  • Download Vault from here
  • Download Consul from here
  • Set the arbitrary directory as $HOME_DIR
  • git clonethis repo at ${HOME_DIR}
  • If you use auto-unseal, set the 3 environmets
  • After Setting up above,
    • export MAC=<MAC's IP>
    • export PI=<PI'S IP>
    • ./run.sh

This will fail to start Java but Vault and Consul will run. And let's create the key on Vault with this command to create the encryption key, vault write transit/encrypt/springdemo.

And stop all processes by ./pkill.sh.


  • Download Vault from here
  • Download Consul from here
    • After downloading, unzip, chmod +x ***and put the binary to the bash path.
  • Set the arbitrary directory as $HOME_DIR
  • mkdir /home/pi/pics/
  • Install the Java to run pic-encryptor app
  • git clonethis repo at ${HOME_DIR}
  • At the ${HOME_DIR}/raspberrypi-hashicorp-demo/pic-handler dir, ./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
  • Put the run-pi.sh file in this repository.


  • Hit the ./run.sh on Mac
  • Hit the run-pi.sh on RPi
  • Import the Grafana Dashboad at http://localhost:3000/


  1. Take the Picture of your(or your friends') face!
    • raspistill -o /home/pi/pics/face.jpg -t 20
  2. Make sure there is a photo at the /home/pi/pics/face.jpg on the RPi
  3. Hit the api, curl ${PI}:8080/api/v1/encrypt-pic
  4. Make sure there is a encrypted photo at the /home/pi/pics/face-encrpted.jpg on the RPi
    • if you see the file by more, you can see the vault:v1: prefix this shows the photo has been encrypted by Vault.
  5. Hit the api, curl ${PI}:8080/api/v1/upstream-pic
    • This Upstream the encrypted photo to Mac and hit the face-bootifier api.
    • As you can see the source codes, face-bootifier decrypt the photo -> detect the face -> then bootify each face -> send the bootified photo to the Slack.
  6. You can see Grafana Dashboard, http://localhost:3000/