is a tool for managing your dotfiles.
You can see an example of dotfiles managed using dotman
You can use cargo
to build and install with the following command:
cargo install dotman
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbose Enables verbose output.
--dotfiles-path <dotfiles-path> The folder in which to search for dotfiles. The default is ~/.dotfiles.
-e, --exclude <excludes>... Paths (relative to the dotfiles folder) of items to be excluded. This is in
addition to any excludes defined in your dotrc. Globs are accepted - just
make sure to enclose them in single quotes to avoid your shell trying to
expand them.
--hostname <hostname> The hostname to use. The default is the system hostname.
--platform <platform> The platform to use. The default is the actual platform. Valid values are
macos, windows, linux, and wsl.
-t, --tag <tags>... Tags to enable. This is in addition to any tags enabled in your dotrc.
help Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
link Links all active dotfiles
ls Lists the active dotfiles