
Pure Lua implementation of the 32-bit MurmurHash3 hash function.

Primary LanguageLua

MurmurHash3 in Lua

This repository contains an implementation of the MurmurHash3 hashing algorithm in Lua, intended to work with a minimal set of commonly available dependencies.

Specifically, this is intended to work with the dependencies available to the Redis Lua interpreter to enable writing scripts that require access to a hashing function with a good distribution that can also be represented as an 32-bit integer (since Lua 5.1's number type is a double floating point number with a maximum precise integer representation of 2 ^ 53 - 1) such as many algorithms applied to probabilistic data structures.



A test script is available (test.py) that reads lines from /dev/stdin and compares the hash values of the Lua implementation with those returned by a Python reference version, mmh3.