This repo holds the content for the website. It's built using jekyll.


Make sure you have ruby installed properly. For example by using rbenv

$ brew install rbenv rbenv-gemset ruby-build

Install a recent stable ruby version and activate it for this repo

$ rbenv install 2.1.2
$ echo "2.1.2" > .rbenv-version

Create a gemset to ease the ruby gem management

$ rbenv gemset create 2.1.2 jekyll
$ echo "jekyll" > .rbenv-gemsets

Install bundler

$ gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
$ rbenv rehash

The next step is to install jekyll

$ bundle install
$ rbenv rehash
$ jekyll -version
jekyll 2.4.0

Updating jekyll

Edit the Gemfile, enter the desired version and run bundler

$ bundle update

Note: if you receive a Gemfile update via git pull just run bundle update. Check the github dependency pages for latest versions

Adding content

We're using jekyll for content

Preview your changes:

$ bundle exec jekyll serve

and point your browser to http://localhost:4000/.


Push to master on Github. Done.