
Web-Based VSCode - Docker Image Templates

Primary LanguageRuby

Web-Based VS Code

This repo contains custom extensions of the code-server Docker image, allowing you to run VS Code on a remote server.


make build // Build everything
make build-node // Build the Node image - tkambler/coder-node:latest
make build-python // Build the Python image - tkambler/coder-python:latest
make build-go // Build the Go image - tkambler/coder-go:latest
make push // Push latest builds to Docker hub

What's Included?

** - In order for the terminal to render correctly with the Powerlevel9k theme, you'll need to install this font.

The following VS Code extensions are installed by default:

  • Dracula Official
  • Duplicate action
  • EditorConfig for VSCode
  • ESLint
  • Git History
  • GitLens
  • GraphQL for VS Code
  • Prettier - Code formatter
  • YAML


## Coder will be available at: http://localhost:8080
## A random password is generated and printed to the console on container startup.
docker run --rm --name=coder -p "" -v $(pwd):/home/coder/project tkambler/coder-node:latest