
An application for running your own private Vagrant catalog.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Vagrant Catalog

Example Video

This application allows you to run your own private Vagrant catalog. In other words, it provides a UI for managing boxes, which can then be referenced in a Vagrantfile as shown below:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|

    config.vm.box = "org/box-name"
    config.vm.box_url = "https://vagrant.myorg.com/api/boxes/org/box-name"


Getting Started

Running Vagrant Catalog

Via Docker

Docker is the suggested method of installation. Run the following command, substituting appropriate values for the PORT and BASE_URL environment variables. You should also map the boxes folder in the root of this project to the /opt/app/boxes folder within the container. You can, of course, move that folder to a different location if you want.

$ docker run --rm -ti \
    -p "9000:9000" \
    -v /boxes:/opt/app/boxes \
    -e PORT=9000 \
    -e BASE_URL="http://mysite.com:9000" \

Directly on the Host

You can also forego the use of Docker and run the application directly on your host by running the following commands. Note that we use Yarn as our package management system of choice.

$ yarn
$ yarn start

Using the Application

Open the app in your browser. The first thing you'll want to do is create an account for yourself. Afterwards, if you do not want to allow others to register:

  • Stop the process
  • Open the boxes/config.json file
  • Set registration.enabled to false
  • Restart the process

After signing in, you should be able to manage your catalog.

Building Docker Images

Run the following command to build the Docker images from scratch:

$ docker build -f Dockerfile.base -t vagrant-catalog-base . && \
    docker build -t tkambler/vagrant-catalog .