
Intro to Backbone Workshop for Chicago Web Conf 2012

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The Facebook of space! In the far future, you still want to be able to share pictures of your food (in fancy pill form) with all of your friends, regardless of the planet you're on. So, SpaceBook was built on top of a quantum teleportation network, which allows you to send messages to other planets instantaneously.

It's your job to implement the front end for this project. The glorious Backbone.js will be your, erm, backbone. The project has remained small and strong for the past 1000 years. You think it's a great idea to depend on it.

Working with SpaceBook

There are 4 branches in this project.

  • master: the inital setup
  • 1-posts: implemented posting your status
  • 2-likes: implemented liking statuses
  • 3-comments: implemented commenting on status

If you want to make sure you are up to speed, you can checkout one of these branches to have working code with the appropriate features. Just use your git tool of choice to checkout the proper branch. On the command line, that would look like git checkout 1-posts.