
Automated build, test and deployment pipeline for AWS Lambda functions with NodeJS runtime

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


"In accelerator physics, a beamline refers to the trajectory of the beam of accelerated particles, including the overall construction of the path segment (vacuum tube, magnets, diagnostic devices) along a specific path of an accelerator facility. This part is either

  • the line in a linear accelerator along which a beam of particles travels, or
  • the path leading from a cyclic accelerator to the experimental endstation (as in synchrotron light sources or cyclotrons)."

BeamlineJS will accelerate the build, test, release and deployment of node.js based lambda functions across various facilities (regions).


  • Auto-scaleable (AWS Lambda) and multi-region availability.
  • Ability to setup BeamlineJS in multiple regions.
  • Automatically create pull request to merge from fork into develop branch and from develop branch to master (read further to see the Git branching model it uses).
  • Development and QA (staging) pipeline are started automatically when merge of PR is successful on the respective branch.
  • Manages lambda function versioning and aliases.
  • Handles rollbacks in case of failures.
  • Verifies the SHA256 of lambda function’s code and configuration.
  • Uses NodeJS frameworks to run unit, functional (QA), integration and load tests.
  • Sends slack notifications
  • function code is released in S3 bucket
  • Multi region testing at fork, development, staging (qa) and production pipelines.

Coming soon

  • BeamlineJ - CI/CD pipeline for AWS Lambda function with Java runtime
  • BeamlinePY - CI/CD pipeline for AWS Lambda function with Python runtime


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CI/CD Flow

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Versioning & Aliases

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Setup Beamline

You can setup your own Beamline by following below simple steps. Please note that for Beamline to work you will have to create accounts using vendor services that may result in $$ cost. Please go through the pricing model of each services offered by the vendors prior to using these services.

It will create following three AWS Lambda functions:

Function - slack-notify

This function is used for sending Slack notifications to your slack channel(s).

Function - pipeline-manager

This function manages the overall execution of BeamlineJS. It parses the GitHub event and then initiates the pipeline based on the event.

Function - beamlineJS

This function will perform the continuous integration and deployment of CLIENT based on the Beamline configuration provided by the CLIENT.

CLIENT- Is the AWS Lambda function which will use BeamlineJS functions to perform its automated build, test and deployment activities.



I have tested these steps only on MAC. I don't see a reason why it will not work on Windows. You will need something like GitBash to run these steps on Windows

  • Clone BeamlineJS repository on your local machine
git clone https://github.com/GaurangBhatt/BeamlineJS.git
  • Navigate into your cloned repository's home directory and run following commands

    • Copy setup.properties.rename file and create setup.properties file

      cp setup.properties.rename setup.properties
      • Update setup.properties file to change
        • AWS_PROFILE_NAME - name of your configured profile using AWS Secret key and access key
        • INFRASTRUCTURE_PREFIX - to any string value of your choice
        • GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN - to your personal token
        • S3_BUCKET_NAME - name of your S3 bucket
        • AWS_REGIONS - provide comma separated list of all regions where you want to install/setup BeamlineJS
        • PRIMARY_AWS_REGION - Set the primary region. This will integrate the SNS topic of this region to your repository via repository hooks
        • REPOSITORY_HOOKS_URLS - comma separated list of all repository hook URLs to which you want to add Amazon SNS integration
    • Update beamline-env-variables.json and pipeline-manager-env-variables.json file

      • Change FUNCTION_PREFIX to INFRASTRUCTURE_PREFIX value from setup.properties
    • Install and setup BeamlineJS

      chmod +x setup.sh
    • Uninstall BeamlineJS

      chmod +x uninstall.sh
    • Create Amazon SNS integration with your repository If you want to disable the hook then set active=false

      curl -v -b -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: token ${GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN}" \
      -d '{
        "name": "amazonsns",
        "active": true,
        "events": ["push", "pull_request"],
        "config": {
          "aws_key": "'"${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}"'",
          "aws_secret": "'"${AWS_SECRET_KEY}"'",
          "sns_topic": "'"${snsTopicARN}"'",
          "sns_region": "'"${PRIMARY_AWS_REGION}"'"
      }' \