
=== by Tuija Karling

With Recipeshopper user/ family can create and use a shopping list on which he/ she can easily add items from his/ her favorites and favorite recipes. Each username has his/her respective shopping, favorites & recipes lists and settings, which are stored in cloud. With this app user can:

  • Login/ logout/ register.
  • List/ filter/ sort items on shopping and favorites lists
  • Add/ edit/ remove items on shopping list
    • Adding adds the item on favorites too
    • Removing keeps the item on favorites or recipe it came from
  • Mark items bought/ not bought
  • Add/ edit/ delete items on favorites
  • Add items on favorites to shopping list
  • List/ filter/ sort recipes
  • Add/ edit/ delete recipes
  • List/ Add/ edit/ delete ingredients for recipes
  • Add/ remove all items of recipe to shopping list

All updates are synched with all clients logged in with the same user name immediately. This is why e.g. family members could:

  • have one member add/ remove items from shopping list at home, while another member is on the way to/ already in store
  • follow each others shopping progress on app (even without talking to each other :)) when shopping together

Tools & Frameworks used:

  • AngularJs, UX: Angular Material, Database: Firebase
  • Unit testing: Karma/ Jasmin
  • E2E testing: Protractor
  • Yeoman, Grunt
  • AngularJs concepts used:
    • Modules
    • Controllers: also inherited controller
    • Filters: also custom filter
    • Directives: using e.g. inherited or isolated scope, template or template-url, transclusion
    • Services: Factories, factories created with new