Proposal and reference implementation for Distributed Ranges.
The documentation is built from main branch on every commit and published at latest spec and latest doxygen.
CPU & SYCL (MPI) requires g++ 10 or higher, mpi, and MKL. On Ubuntu 20.04:
sudo apt install g++-10 libopenmpi-dev
SYCL (SHP) requires g++ 12 standard library. On Ubuntu 22.04:
sudo apt install g++-12
SYCL (SHP) requires a nightly build from the dpcpp open source project. If you are targeting intel gpu:
wget tar zxf dpcpp-compiler.tar.gz source dpcpp_compiler/
If you are targeting cuda:
git clone cd llvm git checkout sycl-nightly/20221029 python buildbot/ --cuda
Copy from the open source binary build, or create it at build/install/
source build/install/
If you want to build the document or run the pre-commit checks, you must install some python packages. Create a python virtual environment and install dependencies:
python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Activate virtual environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Build and test examples with gcc on CPU:
CXX=g++-10 cmake -B build make -C build -j all test
Enable SYCL examples:
CXX=clang++ cmake -B build -DENABLE_SYCL=ON
Enable SYCL-MPI examples:
CXX=clang++ cmake -B build -DENABLE_SYCL_MPI=ON
See how example is run and the output:
cd build ctest -VV
Add this to your main to enable logging:
std::ofstream logfile(fmt::format("dr.{}.log", comm_rank)); lib::drlog.set_file(logfile);
If your project uses CMAKE, add the following to your
to download the library:
find_package(MPI REQUIRED) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( dr GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG main ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(dr)
The above will define targets that can be included in your project:
target_link_libraries(<application> MPI::MPI_CXX DR::mpi)
If your project does not use CMAKE, then you need to download the library, and install it into a prefix:
git clone dr cd dr cmake -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix> make -C build install cmake -B build-fmt -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<prefix> build/_deps/cpp-format-src make -C build-fmt install
Use -I
and -L
to find headers and libs during compilation:
g++ -std=c=++20 -I <prefix>/include -L <prefix>/lib -L /opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/latest/lib/release -lfmt -lmpicxx -lmpi
Print types at compile time: Print Type
Follow the standard github workflow. Fork this repo, clone your fork, make changes, commit to a new branch, push branch to your fork. Submit a PR from your fork.
The CI runs some formatting checks. It is easiest to resolve errors with your local build before submitting the PR.
Run pre-commit checks:
pre-commit run --all
Do pre-commit testing as part of commit:
pre-commit install
will automatically fix most issues. Do a git add
add the changes and run pre-commit
or git commit
To fix a problem with a missing license do:
reuse annotate --exclude-year --license BSD-3-Clause --copyright "Intel Corporation" <filename>
Or copy the license from the top of a file with the same filename extension.
Build the spec:
make -C doc/spec html
Open in your browser: doc/spec/build/html/index.html
Doxygen html is at: doc/spec/build/doxygen-html/index.html
There are pre-commit checks for spelling and broken links. To run it manually:
make -C doc/spec linkcheck make -C doc/spec spelling SPHINXOPTS=-q
The SPHINXOPTS is necessary to disable warning as errors, so you can see all the spelling errors instead of the first one. Add spelling exceptions to spelling_wordlist.txt. Do not add variable, class, function, etc to the exceptions. Spellcheck ignores them if they are properly delimited in the source doc.
Build the test:
CXX=clang++ cmake -B build cd build/fuzz/cpu make -j ./cpu-fuzz -max_len=16
The command asserts when it finds an error. Otherwise it runs forever so kill it to stop testing. When it finds an error, it writes the input to a file in the current directory. To run again for just that input:
./cpu-fuzz . .