
Backend for Operator Marketplace

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Marketplace Operator

Marketplace is a conduit to bring off-cluster operators to your cluster.

Project Status: pre-alpha

The project is currently pre-alpha and it is expected that breaking changes to the API will be made in the upcoming releases.


In order to deploy the Marketplace Operator, you must:

  1. Have an OKD or a Kubernetes cluster with Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) installed.
  2. Be logged in as a user with Cluster Admin role.
    • This is a stop gap measure until the RBAC permissions are defined

Making changes to the Marketplace Operator

The Marketplace Operator is hosted publicly at quay.io/redhat/marketplace-operator but not all developers have push privileges on this image. If you do not have the push privilege and are developing new features for the Marketplace Operator you must build and push your Marketplace Operator image to a registry where you have push and pull privileges and update the deploy/operator.yaml to pull this image. The steps below outline said process:

  1. Build and push your Marketplace Operator Image with the following command.
   && export TAG=<SOME_TAG> \
   && operator-sdk build $REGISTRY/$NAMESPACE/$REPOSITORY:$TAG \
  1. Update the deploy/operator.yaml to pull the Marketplace Operator image you just pushed. You should update the spec.template.spec.containers[0].image field with the $REGISTRY/$NAMESPACE/$REPOSITORY:$TAG value.

Using the Marketplace Operator


The operator manages two CRDs: OperatorSource and CatalogSourceConfig.

OperatorSource is used to define the external datastore we are using to store operator bundles. At the moment we only support Quay's app-registry as our external datastore. Please see here for an example OperatorSource. The endpoint in the spec is typically set to https:/quay.io/cnr if you are using Quay's app-registry. The registryNamespace is the name of your app-registry namespace. displayName and publisher are optional and only needed for UI purposes. On adding an OperatorSource to an OKD cluster, operators will be visible in the OperatorHub UI in the OKD console. There is no equivalent UI in the Kubernetes console.

CatalogSourceConfig is used to install an operator present in the OperatorSource to your cluster. Behind the scenes, it will configure an OLM CatalogSource so that the operator can then be managed by OLM. Please see here for an example CatalogSourceConfig. The targetNamespace is the namespace that OLM is watching. This is where the resulting CatalogSource, which will have the same name as the CatalogSourceConfig, is created or updated. packages is a comma separated list of operators. csDisplayName and csPublisher are optional but will result in the CatalogSource having proper UI displays. Once a CatalogSourceConfig is created successfully you can create a Subscription for your operator referencing the newly created or updated CatalogSource.

Please note that the Marketplace operator uses CatalogSourceConfigs and CatalogSources internally and you will find them present in the namespace where the Marketplace operator is running. These resources can be ignored and should not be modified or used.

Deploying the Marketplace Operator with OKD

The Marketplace Operator is deployed by default with OKD and no further steps are required.

Deploying the Marketplace Operator with Kubernetes

It is important to note that the order in which you apply the deployment files matters, do not execute the kubectl apply commands featured in this section out of order.

Deploying the Marketplace Operator

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/marketplace.ns.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/catalogsourceconfig.crd.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/crds/operatorsource.crd.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/service_account.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/role.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/role_binding.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f deploy/operator.yaml

Deploying the Marketplace Operator with OLM

Execute the above commands, except for kubectl apply -f deploy/operator.yaml. In place of that, execute:

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/marketplace.v0.0.1.clusterserviceversion.yaml

Note that a Kubernetes cluster does not have OLM deployed by default.

Installing an operator using Marketplace

The following section assumes that Marketplace was installed in the openshift-marketplace namespace. For Marketplace to function you need to have at least one OperatorSource CR present on the cluster. To get started you can use the community OperatorSource. If you are on an OKD cluster, you can skip this step as it is installed by default.

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/examples/operatorsource.cr.yaml

Once the OperatorSource has been successfully deployed, you can discover the operators available using the following command:

$ kubectl get opsrc community-operators -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,PACKAGES:.status.packages -n openshift-marketplace
NAME                  PACKAGES
community-operators   federationv2,svcat,metering,etcd,prometheus,automationbroker,templateservicebroker,cluster-logging,jaeger,descheduler

Now if you want to install the descheduler and jaeger operators, create a CatalogSourceConfig CR as shown below:

apiVersion: marketplace.redhat.com/v1alpha1
kind: CatalogSourceConfig
  name: installed-community-operators
  namespace: openshift-marketplace
  targetNamespace: openshift-operators
  packages: descheduler,jaeger
  csDisplayName: "Community Operators"
  csPublisher: "Red Hat"

Note, that in the example above, openshift-operators is a namespace that OLM is watching. Deployment of this CR will cause a CatalogSource called installed-community-operators to be created in the openshift-operators namespace. This can be confirmed by oc get catalogsource installed-community-operators -n openshift-operators. Note that you can reuse the same CatalogSourceConfig for adding more operators.

Now you can create an OLM Subscriptions for desheduler and jaeger.

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: descheduler
  namespace: openshift-operators
  channel: alpha
  name: descheduler
  source: installed-community-operators

Populating your own App Registry OperatorSource

Follow the steps here to upload an operator artifact to quay.io.

Once your operator artifact is pushed to quay.io you can use an OperatorSource to add your operator offering to Marketplace. An example OperatorSource is provided here.

An OperatorSource must specify the registryNamespace the operator artifact was pushed to, and set the name and namespace for creating the OperatorSource on your cluster.

Add your OperatorSource to your cluster:

$ oc create -f your-operator-source.yaml

Once created, the Marketplace operator will use the OperatorSource to download your operator artifact from the app registry and display your operator offering in the Marketplace UI.

Running End to End (e2e) Tests

To run the e2e tests defined in test/e2e that were created using the operator-sdk, first ensure that you have the following additional prerequisites:

  1. The operator-sdk binary installed on your environment. You can get it by either downloading a released binary on the sdk release page here (https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/releases/) or by pulling down the source and compiling it locally (https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk).
  2. A namespace on your cluster to run the tests on, e.g.
    $ oc create namespace test-namespace
  1. A Kubeconfig file that points to the cluster you want to run the tests on.

To run the tests, just call operator-sdk test and point to the test directory:

operator-sdk test local ./test/e2e --up-local --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG --namespace $TEST_NAMESPACE

You can also run the tests with make e2e-test.