
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



  1. bump openshift/api, open a PR (it has dependency on k8s.io repos, no dependency on openshift/* repo)

  2. bump openshift/client-go, open a PR

  • bump k8s.io version
  • bump github.com/openshift/api (pin to the branch you created in step 1 temporarily)
  1. bump openshift/library-go, open a PR
  • bump k8s.io version
  • bump github.com/openshift/api (pin to the branch you created in step 1 temporarily)
  • bump github.com/openshift/client-go (pin to the branch you created in step 2 temporarily)
  1. bump openshift/apiserver-library-go, open a PR
  • bump k8s.io version
  • bump github.com/openshift/api (pin to the branch you created in step 1 temporarily)
  • bump github.com/openshift/client-go (pin to the branch you created in step 2 temporarily)
  • bump github.com/openshift/library-go (pin to the branch you created in step 3 temporarily)
  1. bring the carry commits in the new o/k branch
  2. add a new commit that updates the k8s version, golang version, and proper builder image (if applicable) make sure you only specify the major.minor.patch of the target version. for example, if you are using tag v1.24.0-rc-0 then specify 1.24.0 as the kubernetes version in Dockerfile.rhel
LABEL io.openshift.build.versions="kubernetes=1.24.0"
  1. create a new commit with the following:
  • A: hack/pin-dependency.sh openshift/api {your branch from 1} hack/update-vendor.sh
  • B: hack/pin-dependency.sh openshift/client-go {your branch from 2} hack/update-vendor.sh
  • C: hack/pin-dependency.sh openshift/library-go {your branch from 3} hack/update-vendor.sh
  • B: hack/pin-dependency.sh openshift/apiserver-library-go {your branch from 4} hack/update-vendor.sh

hack/update-vendor.sh manually add replace for o/api, o/client-go ..

(commit the go.mod file)

go mod tidy hack/update-vendor.sh

staging/code-genarator directory - go mod vendor

  1. make build?
  2. make update?

go 1.18.1? hack/libgolang.sh 484 minimum_go_version

protoc 3.0.0

  1. make test
$ GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN={your github access token} /home/akashem/go/src/github.com/tkashem/rebase/output/rebase apply --target=v1.24 --carry-commit-file=/home/akashem/go/src/github.com/tkashem/rebase/carries/v1.24/carry-commits-v1.24.log --overrides=/home/akashem/go/src/github.com/tkashem/rebase/carries/v1.24/overrides.yaml

comment, sha, action, clean, summary, sig, commit link, pr link


update dependency:

  • pin openshift dependencies in go.mod file
	github.com/openshift/api => github.com/tkashem/api bump-1.24
	github.com/openshift/client-go => github.com/tkashem/openshift-client-go bump-1.24
	github.com/openshift/apiserver-library-go => github.com/tkashem/apiserver-library-go bump-1.24
    github.com/openshift/library-go => github.com/tkashem/library-go  bump-1.24
  • run go mod tidy
  • run hack/update-vendor.sh

add a new commit with summary

UPSTREAM: drop: 

after the k8s bump merges, you'll need to wait for ART to provide the base image with new kubelet that's where you might (but don't have to, a lot will depend on the tests itself) see failures in the k8s bump in origin https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KM6sBcTL7xlL3TyXs5-9jX8_dAkRh2KhxVn6l6rr02g/edit#heading=h.crw5x56ksect

apiserver: add system_client=kube-{apiserver,cm,s} to apiserver_request_total

UPSTREAM: <drop>: pin ginkgo to openshift fork at origin-4.7 branch

add openshift/ginkgo in replace of go.mod
github.com/onsi/ginkgo => github.com/openshift/ginkgo origin-4.7

for the following files:

run the following comand:
- go mod tidy
- hack/update-vendor.sh

UPSTREAM: : update openshift dependencies

we encountered a vendor inconsistency error from staging/src/k8s.io/code-generator. in order to fix it:

  • change direcroty to 'staging/src/k8s.io/code-generator/examples'

  • open go.mod and add openshift ginkgo in a replace section replace ( github.com/onsi/ginkgo => github.com/openshift/ginkgo origin-4.7 )

  • go mod tidy

  • change directory to 'staging/src/k8s.io/code-generator'

  • open go.mod and add openshift ginkgo in a replace section replace ( github.com/onsi/ginkgo => github.com/openshift/ginkgo origin-4.7 )

  • go mod tidy

  • go mod vendor

  • change directory to root of the repo

  • bump the following openshift repos in the go.mod file

    • openshift/api
    • openshift/client-go
    • openshift/library-go
    • openshift/apiserver-library-go
    • github.com/openshift/ginkgo origin-4.7
  • go mod tidy

  • hack/update-vendor.sh

	github.com/openshift/api => github.com/tkashem/api bump-1.24
	github.com/openshift/client-go => github.com/tkashem/openshift-client-go bump-1.24
	github.com/openshift/apiserver-library-go => github.com/tkashem/apiserver-library-go bump-1.24
    github.com/openshift/library-go => github.com/tkashem/library-go  bump-1.24
    github.com/onsi/ginkgo => github.com/openshift/ginkgo origin-4.7
  • go mod tidy
  • make/update-vendor.sh

github.com/openshift/api 641a165d1cca377be0d7f9ba7f6f60bdbab558e8 github.com/openshift/client-go dddeb4eb20b7732dacadea7622da9b1ba13a286f github.com/openshift/library-go 607a089b3f0ba6339bcfda71b1a0cf195f9ec6d0 github.com/openshift/apiserver-library-go 5950ef701ec5e3052c742b0f145e701930823c24

go: inconsistent vendoring in /go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/_output/local/go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/code-generator: github.com/onsi/ginkgo@v4.7.0-origin.0+incompatible: is explicitly required in go.mod, but not marked as explicit in vendor/modules.txt github.com/onsi/gomega@v1.10.1: is explicitly required in go.mod, but not marked as explicit in vendor/modules.txt k8s.io/code-generator: is marked as replaced in vendor/modules.txt, but not replaced in go.mod

To ignore the vendor directory, use -mod=readonly or -mod=mod.
To sync the vendor directory, run:
	go mod vendor

go: inconsistent vendoring in /go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/_output/local/go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/code-generator: k8s.io/code-generator: is marked as replaced in vendor/modules.txt, but not replaced in go.mod

To ignore the vendor directory, use -mod=readonly or -mod=mod.
To sync the vendor directory, run:
	go mod vendor

Running update-codegen FAILED

k8s.io/code-generator => ../code-generator


UPSTREAM: : run make update

make update fails with the following error due to some go mod issue in code-generator:

inconsistent vendoring in /go/{redacted}/k8s.io/code-generator

to work around, we do the following:

  • change directory to 'staging/src/k8s.io/code-generator'

  • remove the following from the 'replace' section k8s.io/code-generator => ../code-generator

  • run 'go mod tidy'

  • run 'go mod vendor'

  • change directory to root

  • run make update, using the following command

docker run -it --rm -v $( pwd ):/go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes:Z
make update OS_RUN_WITHOUT_DOCKER=yes

UPSTREAM: : run ./hack/update-netparse-cve.sh

due to the following inconsistent vendoring error: go: inconsistent vendoring in /go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/hack/tools:

we need to do the following steps:

  • change directory to 'hack/tools'
  • run 'go mod tidy'
  • run 'go mod vendor'
  • run 'update-netparse-cve.sh'

if you are inside the container, then: OS_RUN_WITHOUT_DOCKER=yes hack/update-netparse-cve.sh

UPSTREAM: : run ./hack/update-mocks.sh

due to the following inconsistent vendoring error: go: inconsistent vendoring in /go/src/k8s.io/kubernetes/hack/tools:

we need to do the following steps:

  • change directory to 'hack/tools'
  • run 'go mod tidy'
  • run 'go mod vendor'
  • run 'update-netparse-cve.sh'

if you are inside the container, then: OS_RUN_WITHOUT_DOCKER=yes hack/update-netparse-cve.sh

UPSTREAM: : run ./hack/update-vendor.sh

bootstrap/containers/bootstrap-control-plane/kube-apiserver.log start: I0427 00:00:34.932547 end: E0427 00:30:20.176823

kube-apiserver-bea03f146248b568076c996e5ea911553643a10875531d7556cbd24d6d02911e.log I0427 00:21:53.817432 E0427 00:30:20.176823

kube-apiserver-de1b86ce20e86157bc63fecae1db9204a023b8e5b27b8a9de770b02debc6d73a.log start: I0427 00:00:34.932547 end: I0427 00:21:49.467558

Apr 27 00:02:17 ip-10-0-132-214 hyperkube[1443]: I0427 00:02:17.956928    1443 csi_plugin.go:1063] Failed to contact API server when waiting for CSINode publishing: csinodes.storage.k8s.io "ip-10-0-132-214.us-east-2.compute.internal" is forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot get resource "csinodes" in API group "storage.k8s.io" at the cluster scope
Apr 27 00:02:42 ip-10-0-132-214 hyperkube[1443]: E0427 00:02:42.278790    1443 kubelet.go:2367] "Container runtime network not ready" networkReady="NetworkReady=false reason:NetworkPluginNotReady message:Network
 plugin returns error: No CNI configuration file in /etc/kubernetes/cni/net.d/. Has your network provider started?"
Apr 27 00:02:46 ip-10-0-132-214 hyperkube[1443]: I0427 00:02:46.543132    1443 csr.go:262] certificate signing request csr-x6hrr is approved, waiting to be issued
Apr 27 00:02:46 ip-10-0-132-214 hyperkube[1443]: I0427 00:02:46.559277    1443 csr.go:258] certificate signing request csr-x6hrr is issued

UPSTREAM: : disable ProxyTerminatingEndpoints e2e tests

ci/prow/artifacts — Job succeeded ci/prow/e2e-aws-csi — Job succeeded ci/prow/e2e-aws-upgrade — Job succeeded ci/prow/e2e-gcp-upgrade — Job succeeded ci/prow/images — Job succeeded ci/prow/integration — Job succeeded ci/prow/k8s-e2e-conformance-aws — Job succeeded ci/prow/k8s-e2e-gcp-serial — Job succeeded ci/prow/unit — Job succeeded ci/prow/verify — Job succeeded

Some e2e tests are failing, and the error message says

{  fail [k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.23.0/test/e2e/auth/service_accounts.go:297]: Unexpected error:
    <*errors.errorString | 0xc00037ec60>: {
        s: "timed out waiting for the condition",
    timed out waiting for the condition

so origin is running k8s.io/kubernetes@v1.23.0/test

/payload 4.10 ci blocking
/payload 4.10 ci informing
/payload 4.10 nightly blocking
/payload 4.10 nightly informing