Android TV / Fire TV Notifications

Python package that interfaces with Notifications for Android TV and Notifications for Fire TV to send notifications to your TV.


  • Install the application on your TV
  • Get the IP of the TV unit
from notifications_android_tv import Notifications
notify = Notifications("")
    "message text",
    title="Title text",

Optional parameters

  • title: Notification title
  • duration: Display the notification for the specified period. Default is 5 seconds
  • fontsize: Text font size. Can be one of (small, medium, large, max)
  • position: Notification position. Can be one of (bottom-right, bottom-left, top-right, top-left, center). Default is bottom-right.
  • bkgcolor: Notification background color. Can be one of (grey, black, indigo, green, red, cyan, teal, amber, pink). Default is grey.
  • transparency: Background transparency of the notification. Can be one of (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%). Default is 0%.
  • interrupt: Setting it to True makes the notification interactive and can be dismissed or selected to display more details. Default is False
  • icon: Attach icon to notification. Type must be bytes.
  • image_file: Attach image to notification. Type must be bytes.