- 3
word wrap mode in markdown cells
#188 opened by dov - 1
[Feature Request] Is there a way to exporte the notebook as emacs-org or generate a notebook from org file?
#208 opened by Atreyagaurav - 7
ein: [info] Failed to save notebook
#203 opened by troisquatre - 0 is the official repo, archive this one
#207 opened by glyph - 2
20210216.1627 does not work, 403 error on ein:run
#206 opened by glyph - 6
ipython-notebook layer does not show inline plots
#192 opened by Eoksni - 0
Google results for "emacs jupyter"
#205 opened by dickmao - 0
Installing 20190703.1230 fails
#204 opened by alaskamike - 0
ipythonNotebook vs SCIMAX
#202 opened by AtomicNess123 - 0
The actively maintained repo is at
#201 opened by Irvel - 0
void-function: (Emacs-list-mode
#200 opened by casouri - 9
Content list call failed with status error.
#176 opened by deadlytackler5 - 0
restart and execute all
#199 opened by anarcat - 6
Cannot save notebook in ein
#178 opened by nwieder - 2
No axes in inline pyplots
#198 opened by falematte - 1
Can not open notebook from notebook list
#196 opened by RishiSadhir - 2
- 4
- 1
Feature request: Change notebook kernel interactively
#195 opened by dzbee - 0
- 8
! very strange saving issue !
#175 opened by shelper - 1
EIN causes org-capture to stall
#191 opened by aijony - 5
- 1
Remote-server docker-container Jupyter
#189 opened by JuanPabloMF - 1
Better org babel output
#187 opened by Yevgnen - 3
Company backend for completion
#172 opened by aiguofer - 1
- 2
Unicode Character encoding is buggy. Can't save file.
#185 opened by uroybd - 2
emacs is dead when use ein
#184 opened by colorfulsky - 2
notebooks served by jupyterhub
#183 opened by JosefAssad - 3
Vega support
#182 opened by jpivarski - 1
List all open notebooks
#181 opened by nwieder - 2
- 3
jupyter + julia
#165 opened by berceanu - 4
- 1
Security issue with handling of cookie-jar
#177 opened by mkomitee - 1
notebooklist-open failed on windows
#174 opened by shelper - 0
no completion in console (jedi)
#173 opened by nbecker - 0
Autocomplete repeats pre-typed expression
#171 opened by justmytwospence - 3
- 1
[error] install error when git submodule cloning
#169 opened by stardiviner - 1
- 1
Required feature `ein-cell' was not provided after "Hit M-x ein:notebooklist-open to open notebook list"
#167 opened by rebcabin - 1
Can't execute cell
#166 opened by maelick - 1
- 2
- 1
Error running timer `ein:query-ajax-timeout-callback': (json-readtable-error) while opening notebook list at any server
#158 opened by jrzaurin - 0
- 0
Changing folders in IPython Notebook list does not change ipython notebook's working dir
#159 opened by joonro - 0