An enviroment for linking to Splatoon 2 executable and implementing hooks.
@shibbo - Repo based on his works on OdysseyReversed
@Thog - Expertise in how rtld is implemented
@3096 - Expertise in Splatoon 2's inner workings
@khang06 - Expertise in Splatoon 2's inner workings
@OatmealDome - Expertise in Splatoon 2's inner workings
@Random0666 - Expertise in Splatoon 2's inner workings
For Ubuntu 18.94 on WSL2(Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) or native like Linux operating system.
- Ubuntu 18.04 (with Python3)
- Windows 10 (above build id 18917)
- Unpatched Nintendo Switch (enable FTP over port 5000)
- Splatoon 2 v1441792(3.1.0) (Any region)
- Otherwise pseudo 3.1.0 using LFS(Layered File System) [Ref: below article]
How to get Starlight works for Splatoon 2 on any version.(Japanese)
If you want to build Starlight on native Ubuntu 18.04, skip this section.
First, you should check that Windows system meets the requirements. Run Command Prompt and type ver
, press enter.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19628.1]
In case, build is is 19628 which grater than 18917 (requirement).
Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
and restart Windows.
Click the link below and install Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows 10.
Run Command Prompt as Administrator.
C:\Users\devonly>wsl -l -v
* docker-desktop-data Running 2
Ubuntu-18.04 Running 1 <=== WSL1
docker-desktop Running 2
Convert WSL1 to WSL2 (It'll take about 3-5 mins).
C:\Users\devonly>wsl --set-version Ubuntu-18.04 2
Conversion in progress, this may take a few minutes...
Conversion complete.
Type the command again to check it.
C:\Users\devonly>wsl -l -v
* docker-desktop-data Running 2
Ubuntu-18.04 Running 2 <=== WSL2
docker-desktop Running 2
If you want, change the dafult version of WSL to 2 (for a better experience).
C:\Users\devonly>wsl --set-default-version 2
For information on key differences with WSL 2 please visit
Click below link and download installer, install Docker Desktop for Windows.
To enable WSL2 integration, you'll need to turn on some features in Settings.
- Settings->General
- Check
Use the WSL2 based engine
- Check
- Settings->Resources->WSL INTEGRATION
- Check
Enable integration with my default WSL distro
- Enable
- Check
Install Python3 to be able to send IPS patch and subsdk0 to Nintendo Switch.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install -y python3 make
Clone Starlight.
git clone
cd Starlight
To apply your environment, you should edit Makefile(i.e vi Makefile
# TODO (Khangaroo): Make this process a lot less hacky (no, export did not work)
# See MakefileNSO
.PHONY: all clean starlight install
S2VER ?= 310 # Splatoon 2 version (Do not change)
S2VERSTR ?= 3.1.0 # Splatoon 2 version's strings (Do not change)
S2ROMTYPE ?= TrialUS20 # Splatoon 2 region
IP ?= # IP address for Nintendo Switch
Region | RomType | Title ID |
JP | JP Product | 01003C700009C000 |
US | US Product | 01003BC0000A0000 |
EU | EU Product | 0100F8F0000A2000 |
EveJP | JP Premiere | 0100D070040F8000 |
EveUS | US Premiere | 01003870040FA000 |
EveEU | EU Premiere | 010086F0040FC000 |
TrialJP | US Demo '19 | Not supported |
TrialUS | US Demo '19 | 01006BB00D45A000 |
TrialEU | US Demo '19 | Not supported |
TrialJP20 | JP Demo '20 | 0100998011330000 |
TrialUS20 | US Demo '20 | 01002120116C4000 |
TrialEU20 | EU Demo '20 | 01009240116CC000 |
ShowFloor | N/A | Not supported |
ShowDL | Testfire | 010000A00218E000 |
make # Build Starlight by Docker container
make clean # Only supported for Docker container
make starlight # Only supported for Docker container
make install # Build Starlight, send IPS patch and subsdk0 to Nintendo Switch (Recommend)
@shadowninja108 - Expertise in Splatoon 2's inner workings
@container12345 - Reverse engineering for Game::Coop classes
0CBH0 - nsnsotool
libnx - Makefile creation