
fall 2016

Primary LanguageShell

Initial steps (assume that you have git)

  • go to the directory you want to have this project in
  • git clone https://github.com/tkhunkhe/dsc383w_asmt1.git
  • you must download your .rda file from blackboard and make your data/ directory and add the .rda file to it*
  1. pull the current update from the github repository
    • git pull origin master 0.1. check out new branch to work on something
    • git checkout -b kwan // change kwan to your name 0.2. modify the code 0.3. push your branch to the remote repository
    • git push origin kwan // change kwan to your name (brnachname)
  2. link rstudio with this github repositpory here
  3. update asmt1.rmd code
  4. compile .rmd code to get asmt.html
  5. run ./submit.sh to update the notebook webpage (submit.sh will move asmt.html to docs/ and rename to index.html and push for you)
  • type your github username and password if prompted
  1. go to https://tkhunkhe.github.io/dsc383w_asmt1/docs/ to see the notebook result

a couple other examples of git common used git commands

  • see current status
    • git status
  • list all the branch
    • git branch -v
  • switch between local branches
    • git checkout master
    • git checkout kwan // kwan is my branch name here
  • pull from remote's master branch
    • git pull origin master
  • pull from remote's kwan branch // if there is kwan branch in the remote repository
    • git pull origin kwan
  • push local master branch to the remote repository
    • git push origin master
  • puch local kwan branch to the remote repository
    • git push orgin kwan
  • add tracking file
    • git add file
  • add current directory to the tracking list
    • git add .
  • commit
    • git commit -m "adding new file"

work flow

- pull from remote repository --> make some change/update --> git add the update files --> git commit to make comment --> git push to the remote repository