
Simple Continuous Delivery.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


NanoCD framework in bash for Mac. Checks git for updates, deploys code, runs tests, mails you on completion.

Dependencies for Mac. Install parallel, timeout + hub with the below:

brew install parallel
brew install coreutils
brew install hub

NanoCD Installation:

mkdir ~/.nanocd
echo 'export PATH="~/.nanocd:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tkjef/NanoCD/master/nanocd -o ~/.nanocd/nanocd
chmod +x ~/.nanocd/nanocd


$ nanocd
nanocd -r <repo> -l <local_checkout> [-b <build-script>] [-w <post-script>]
   [-m <email>] [-a <mail command>] [-t <mail command attach flag>]
   [-s <mail command subject flag] [-e <recipients flag>] [-n name] [-d <dir>] 
   [-c <command>] [-f] [-v] [-h] [-p] [-z]

-r - git repository, eg https://github.com/myname/myproj.git (required)
-l - local checkout of code (that gets updated to determine whether a run is needed) (required)

-b - build script to run (default $BUILD_SCRIPT)
-w - script to run just after actually performing test (default $DEPLOY_SCRIPT)
-m - email address to send to using "mail" command (default logs to stdout)
-a - mail command to use (default=$MAIL_CMD)
-n - name for ci (unique, must be a valid directory name), eg myproj (default=$PROJECT_NAME)
-d - directory within repository that contains test scripts (default=$TEST_DIR)
-c - test command to run from -d directory (default=$TEST_COMMAND)
-t - attach argument flag for mail command (default=$MAIL_CMD_ATTACH_FLAG, empty string means no-attach)
-f - force a run even if repo has no updates (default off)
-v - verbose logging (default off)
-p - create pull request, merge pull request, set -f flag
-i - timeout in seconds (default 86400, ie one day, does KILL one hour after that)
-z - when using an ssg (static site generator) this generates the public code to be committed (default=$SSG_BUILD_SCRIPT)
-h - show help


- "Clone -r https://github.com/myname/myproj.git if a git fetch on /path/to/git/root/ indicates there's been an update.
  Then navigate to tests (default), run ./test.sh and mail your@email.tld after successfull or failed completion with results"

  nanocd -r https://github.com/myname/myproj.git -l /path/to/git/root/ -d tests -c ./test.sh -m your@email.tld
  nanocd -r https://github.com/myname/myproj.git -l /path/to/git/root/ -m your@email.tld
  nanocd -r https://github.com/myname/myproj.git -l /path/to/git/root/

- "Run this continuously in a crontab."

  Crontab line to run every 30 min:
  0,30 * * * * nanocd -r https://github.com/myname/myproj.git -l /path/to/git/root/


*Report issues/ask questions/submit feature requests here: GitHub Issues

Pull requests welcome! Create a branch for each feature or fix you make with the below instructions. If you haven't already:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Clone your forked repo

Inside cloned repo directory run the below:

  1. git remote add upstream https://github.com/tkjef/nanocd.git
  2. git fetch upstream
  3. git checkout master
  4. git rebase upstream/master
  5. git checkout -b new_feature_or_fix
  6. git commit -am 'Added feature or fix'
  7. git push origin new_feature_or_fix)
  8. Create new Pull Request

After pull request is merged run the below:

  1. git fetch upstream
  2. git checkout master
  3. git rebase upstream/master
  4. git push


Maintained by tkjef (yo@tkjef.com). Forked from cheapci.


MIT License, (see LICENSE)

Project Roadmap

Version 0.4
-add integrity check to make sure it's the correct pull request being used.
-throw error if there was no pull request, or it was merged to master already
-check repo being deployed to in deploy script and error if in wrong directory/repo