This is the repository for creating a Docker Image from where you can running JDeveloper in Windows.
- At first your Linux VM should contain a local docker registry on port 5000, you can use the default docker registry image for this
- Download jdev_suite_linux64.bin and to /software/Oracle/JDeveloper
- Create a Jenkins Job from provided Jenkinsfile and start it to build the image and put it to the local registry.
- At first your Linux VM should contain the screen package, you install it like "sudo apt-get -y install screen"
- Start MobaXTerm and connect to your Linux VM via ssh
- Check in the MobaXTerm Banner that X-11 forwarding is enabled
- Mouse hover the MobaXTerm XServer Icon to find the DISPLAY Variable and export this in the shell
- Start SQL Developer via
- export DISPLAY=<X Server address>
- sudo docker run -ti --rm --name="jdeveloper." -e DISPLAY -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/home/oracle/.Xauthority --net=host localhost:5000/oracle/jdeveloper: