- MongoDB: https://www.mongodb.com/
- Express: https://expressjs.com/
- Angular: https://angular.io/
- Node.js: https://nodejs.org/
- REST API: https://restfulapi.net/
- Language:
- Server: JavaScript
- Client: TypeScript
- NoSQL Database: Mongodb
A simple implementation of web app product view in mean stack. Check demo @ mean.pv
git clone git@github.com:tklk/MongoDB-ProductView.git
cd MongoDB-ProductView
npm i
"env": {
"MONGODB_URI": "mongodb+srv://<accName>@<accPwd>.mongodb.net/<dbName>?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
Run web app in Just-in-Time (JIT) compilation
- Build and serve client and server:
npm run dev-j
- Build:
npm run client:dev:build-j
- Serve:
npm run client:dnp:serve-j
- Build and serve client and server:
npm run prod-j
- Build:
npm run client:prod:build-j
- Serve:
npm run client:dnp:serve-j
Run web app in Ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation
- Build and serve client and server:
npm run dev-a
- Build:
npm run client:dev:build-a
- Serve:
npm run client:dnp:serve-a
- Build and serve client and server:
npm run prod-a
- Build:
npm run client:prod:build-a
- Serve:
npm run client:dnp:serve-a
Run web app in Server-side rendering (SSR) with Angular Universal
- Build and serve client and server:
npm run dev-s
- Build:
npm run client:dnp:build-s
- Serve:
npm run client:dev:serve-s
- Build and serve client and server:
npm run prod-s
- Build:
npm run client:dnp:build-s
- Serve:
npm run client:prod:serve-s
- Return a JSON array of products.
- Return a JSON representation of new product.
- Return a JSON representation of selected-product.
- Return a JSON representation of updated-product.
- Return a JSON representation of deleted-product Id.