
Python program to simulate the card game blackjack

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is a collection of different card and children's games all written in Python and distributed as a package that can be reused to simulate those game logics in other Python apps. It allows creators to create mini-games in their Python app.


  • blackjack
  • high_low


pip install git+ssh://git@github.com/tkmaseleme/anansi#egg=anansi


Create a Python file in your favorite text editor after installing the above, and the below and run the script.

from anansi import BlackJack

game = BlackJack

High Low

from anansi import HighLow

game = HighLow

To Do

  • Change print logic to return logic to allow for wider inclusion in other apps
  • Create API documentation to allow for public use
  • Publish publicly to PyPi