Companion plugin for nvim-lspconfig that allows you to seamlessly install
LSP servers locally (inside :echo stdpath("data")
On top of just providing commands for installing & uninstalling LSP servers, it:
- provides configurations for servers that aren't supported by nvim-lspconfig (
) - provides Lua APIs for non-standard LSP functionalities, for example
- has support for a variety of different install methods (e.g., google/zx)
- common install tasks are abstracted behind Lua APIs
- supports Windows for a majority of server installations
- neovim
>= 0.5.0
- neovim/nvim-lspconfig
- bash(1), git(1), wget(1), unzip(1), tar(1)
- (optional) Node.js (LTS) & npm. Some LSP servers will need a Node runtime.
- (optional) Python3 & pip3. Some LSP servers will need a Python3 runtime.
- (optional) go. Some LSP servers will need a Go runtime.
- (optional) javac. Some LSP servers will need a Javac (1.8+) compiler.
use {
Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer'
:LspInstall <server>
- installs/reinstalls a language server:LspUninstall <server>
- uninstalls a language server:LspUninstallAll
- uninstalls all language servers:LspPrintInstalled
- prints all installed language servers
local lsp_installer = require("nvim-lsp-installer")
local opts = {}
-- (optional) Customize the options passed to the server
-- if == "tsserver" then
-- opts.root_dir = function() ... end
-- end
-- This setup() function is exactly the same as lspconfig's setup function (:help lspconfig-quickstart)
vim.cmd [[ do User LspAttachBuffers ]]
For more advanced use cases you may also interact with more APIs nvim-lsp-installer has to offer, for example the following (refer to :help nvim-lsp-installer
for more docs):
local lsp_installer = require'nvim-lsp-installer'
local ok, rust_analyzer = lsp_installer.get_server("rust_analyzer")
if ok then
if not rust_analyzer:is_installed() then
Language | Server name |
Angular | angularls |
Ansible | ansiblels |
Bash | bashls |
C# | omnisharp |
C++ | clangd |
CMake | cmake |
CSS | cssls |
Clojure | clojure_lsp |
Deno | denols |
Docker | dockerls |
EFM (general purpose server) | efm |
ESLint (docs) | eslintls |
Elixir | elixirls |
Elm | elmls |
Ember | ember |
Fortran | fortls |
Go | gopls |
GraphQL | graphql |
Groovy | groovyls |
HTML | html |
Haskell | hls |
JSON | jsonls |
Jedi | jedi_language_server |
Kotlin | kotlin_language_server |
LaTeX | texlab |
Lua | sumneko_lua |
PHP | intelephense |
PureScript | purescriptls |
Python | pylsp |
Python | pyright |
Rome | rome |
Ruby | solargraph |
Rust | rust_analyzer |
SQL | sqlls |
SQL | sqls |
Stylelint | stylelint_lsp |
Svelte | svelte |
Tailwind CSS | tailwindcss |
Terraform | terraformls |
Terraform (docs) | tflint |
TypeScript (docs) | tsserver |
VimL | vimls |
Vue | vuels |
YAML | yamlls |
You can create your own installers by using the same APIs nvim-lsp-installer itself uses. Refer to for more information.
Make sure to only attempt connecting adapters once the plugin(s) involved have been loaded.
Supported capabilities:
. Automatically executes the rename file client request when renaming a node.
Illustrations in the logo are derived from @Kaligule's "Robots" collection.
- Managed versioning of installed servers
- Command (and corresponding Lua API) to update outdated servers (e.g.,
:LspUpdate {server}
) - Cross-platform CI for all server installers