
bootstrap some arch debian qcow2 images for macOS/ubuntu

Primary LanguageShell

Multiarch Bootstrap

Multiarch Bootstrap allows to set up testing environment quickly with qemu and debian images for multiple architectures on macOS/ubuntu.

Supported architectures

  • armle
  • aarch64
  • mipsbe
  • mipsle

How to use

QEMU and Debian Image Installation

$ git clone https://github.com/tkmru/multiarch_bootstrap.git
$ cd multiarch_bootstrap
$ ./install.sh
Do you setup QEMU? [y/N]
Installing QEMU...
Updating Homebrew...
Do you setup ARMLE Debian Wheezy image? [y/N]
Downloading & setting ARMLE Debian Wheezy...
--2018-12-06 12:30:26--  https://people.debian.org/~aurel32/qemu/armel/debian_wheezy_armel_standard.qcow2
Do you setup MIPSBE Debian Wheezy image? [y/N]

add SSH config

$ ./ssh_config.sh
Add VM host to SSH config

launch VM

$ ./launch.sh mipsbe
When it will be ready, just connect (credentials: root/root): ssh root@localhost -p2222
Launching Mipsbe machine

NOTE SSH port depends on the architecture for avoiding WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!.

You can connect VM by SSH arch_name after run ssh_config.sh.

$ ssh mipsbe
