
Nginx alias traversal vulnerable environments for study

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Nginx alias traversal sample app

There is a vulnerability in Nginx that can be caused by misconfiguration. One of them is alias traversal.



How to use

Dockerfile exists. Sample app work on any port.

$ docker build -t nginx-traversal .
$ docker run -d -p nginx-traversal:latest

Tools to find

Gixy is a tool to analyze Nginx configuration.

$ gixy vulnerable.conf 

==================== Results ===================

>> Problem: [alias_traversal] Path traversal via misconfigured alias.
Description: Using alias in a prefixed location that doesn't ends with directory separator could lead to path traversal vulnerability. 
Additional info: https://github.com/yandex/gixy/blob/master/docs/en/plugins/aliastraversal.md
Pseudo config:

server {
	server_name localhost;

	location /static {
		alias /var/www/app/static/;

==================== Summary ===================
Total issues:
    Unspecified: 0
    Low: 0
    Medium: 0
    High: 1

Also, burp extention exists.

Case Study


The MIT License