This is a basic implementation of an FMNA (ForgetMeNotAfrica) eTXT client/endpoint
in Django on Google App Engine (django-nonrel).

I have intentionally excluded django-nonrel files from this repo, in order to 
minimize repo size and to avoid having to pull in updates from upstream. In 
order to get this project running: 
1) Clone/download. Assumption is you have GAE SDK configured already
2) Follow instructions at
 so that the following django-nonrel folders/symlinks are in the app folder:
 search, permission-backend_nonrel, djangotoolbox, djangoappengine, dbindexer
 and autoload (we'll be building on top of testapp)
3) rename example-app.yaml to app.yaml & set values applicable to your app

The default endpoint URL is - 
you can change this in (it's probably best to change it to something 
only you & FMNA know for security reasons, as there is no way to authenticate
the submitter at this point). The example action is to echo the message recieved