No opengym module after ./waf configure and build
PennyXQZ opened this issue · 2 comments
Modules built:
antenna aodv applications
bridge buildings config-store
core csma csma-layout
dsdv dsr energy
fd-net-device flow-monitor internet
internet-apps lr-wpan lte
mesh mobility mpi
netanim (no Python) network nix-vector-routing
olsr point-to-point point-to-point-layout
propagation sixlowpan spectrum
stats tap-bridge test (no Python)
topology-read traffic-control uan
virtual-net-device visualizer wave
wifi wimax
Modules not built (see ns-3 tutorial for explanation):
brite click openflow
After conduct ./waf configure and ./waf build, the opengym module doesn't show either in module-built area or in module-not-built area. Why dose this happen? I have tried many times. Please give me some suggestions. Thanks!
How to solve the problem? I run to the same problem now. Thanks
you should not use waf in the newest ns-3 version. Please follow the installation tutorial in readme for ns-3.36+ versions.