
CoreTemp Windows Telegraf Plugin

Primary LanguagePascal


This program outputs data collected by CoreTemp (https://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/) in a format that can be consumed by Telegraf (https://www.influxdata.com/time-series-platform/telegraf/). The program is written in Delphi, and utilizes a library developed by Michal Kokorceny from http://74.cz/. The library is available here: http://74.cz/download/GetCoreTempInfoDelphi.zip


In order for the program to run as expected, the following is required:

  • CoreTemp installed and running

In order for Telegraf to consume the data output by the program, the following is also required:


Note: If you just want the executable and don't want to deal with the source code, it is available for download at http://www.tomk.xyz/k/coretemptelegraf

You can check the output of the program in a command prompt or PowerShell. CD to the directory where the program resides, and then enter the command: CoreTempTelegraf

To collect the data in Telegraf, add an entry to your Telegraf config like this:

  commands = ["C:\path\to\program\CoreTempTelegraf"]
  data_format = "influx"

You can place the program in a Windows System Path location, allowing you to run the program from any directory. This simplifies the "commands" line to:

  commands = ["CoreTempTelegraf"]