
Living on a planet affected by SARS-CoV-2? Here's a little script to be used with bitbar

Primary LanguageShell

COVID-19 BitBar Script

This tiny little script pulls the latest data of known novel corona virus cases (see note at the end) from the Johns Hopkins Universities GitHub repository and outputs the number of confirmed infections and deaths

  • known globally
  • separately for a list of countries provided


The script requires just standard tools that should be installed by default on any UNIX-like OS: curl, sed and awk.

List of countries to print

In the script you will find a regexp /Germany|Czech|Latvia|Austria|US/ defining the list of countries to list separately. Take a look at this file to see the complete available list.

Use with BitBar

The script's output is designed to work with BitBar (macOS only). In Bitbar it will show the total cases in the title bar and cases for each country separately when clicking on the title bar as shown in the following screenshot.


You would install this script as a so called BitBar plugin by either renaming it to the required file name format, setting the desired refresh time or creating a (sym)link with a name folling that convention. NB: Data in the Johns Hopkins University repository is only refreshed approx. on an hourly basis so excessive refreshes are useless.


Admittedly, even with the original Lancet Article it is not entirely clear to me whether Johns Hopkins shows as "confirmed" the known cases of SARS-CoV-2 infections or known COVID-19 cases. If anyone can shed someo light, please raise an issue in this GitHub repo.

Stay safe!

Have fun and feel free to send PRs or and/or raise issues with suggestions.