
Primary LanguageReScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Github Stats

Github profile stats with ReScript, React and Relay.

GitHub top language GitHub language count GitHub commit activity Repository size
GitHub last commit Repository issues GitHub

Technologies   |    How To Run   |    Next Steps   |    License

🚀 Technologies

This project was developed with the following technologies:

ℹ️ How To Run

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git, Node.js + Yarn (you can use npm instead) installed on your computer. You also need a Github token with access to the Github features. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/tkovs/github-stats
# Or
$ gh repo clone tkovs/github-stats

# Go into the repository
$ cd github-stats

# Install dependencies
$ yarn 
$ yarn relay

# Run the app on two terminals
$ yarn start
$ yarn server --env.GITHUB_TOKEN=<token>

# Run the tests
$ yarn test

# Update snapshots
$ yarn test -u

🏃 Next steps

  • Init project
  • ...

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.

Made with ♥ by tkovs 👋 Get in touch!