
Awesome list of Research Software Registries

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Awesome Research Software Registries Awesome

A list of research software registries (also known as catalog, index, warehouse, repository, hub, platform, and other terms).

We define a registry as any publicly accessible website where research software can be registered, and that employs Search Engine Optimization such as the addition of metadata to help promote discovery of the research software that is published on the registry. Websites do not necessarily have to retain their own copies of the research software itself in order to be included in the list below.


By country

  • France - HAL is an open archive where authors can deposit scholarly documents from all academic fields.
  • Netherlands - NARCIS aims to record all scholarly outputs (papers, data, as well as software) produced at Dutch institutions.

By organization

By programming language

By domain


  • CodeOcean - Cloud-based computational environment to preserve, publish, and execute research code.
  • FigShare - Helps academic institutions store, share and manage all of their research outputs, and issues persistent identifiers.
  • Software Heritage Archive
  • Zenodo - Online library where you can deposit almost any kind of digital artefact and get a persistent identifier.
  • Internet Archive - The Internet Archive Software Collection is the largest vintage and historical software library in the world.


Help us expand the list of research software registries by sending us a Pull Request.

When suggesting a link, note that eligible registries have at least some of the following properties:

  1. The registry includes metadata about each software package (check the link using Google's structured data testing tool).
  2. The registry includes links to a copy of the software, e.g. on GitHub, or Bitbucket.
  3. The registry includes a human-readable description of what each software does. Having just the name of software is not sufficient, as this is not helping visitors judge if the software will help them solve their problem.
  4. The registry includes contextual information about the software, e.g. papers, blogs, presentations, posters, or videos associated with it.
  5. The registry contains more than just a handful of software packages.


To the extent possible under law, Netherlands eScience Center has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Awesome Research Software Registries. This work is published from: Netherlands.