
Backup scripts for Elkarbackup jobs

Primary LanguageShell

MySQL Dump.sh

This script backups all your client's MySQL databases in individual files. After the first copy, only modified databases will be copied.


Script level configuration:

Client Pre-Script:    No
Client Post-Script:   No
Job Pre-Script:       Yes
Job Post-Script:      No

Create a New Job:

Name: MySQL
Path: /backups/mysql
Description: MySQL Backups
Pre-script: MySQL Dump.sh

MySQL dumps will be copied to the "Path" field (example: //backups/mysql) and ElkarBackup will save this directory. If "Path" directory doesn't exist, it will be created on first execution.

Non-Debian Distributions

This script logs into MySQL thanks to /etc/mysql/debian.cnf file. In non-debian based distributions follow the steps below.

Generate file /root/.my.cnf:



Important: this file must have 400 permissions:

$ chmod 0400 /root/.my.cnf

PostgreSQL Dump.sh

This script backups all your client's PostgreSQL databases in individual files. After the first copy, only modified databases will be copied.


Script level configuration:

Client Pre-Script:    No
Client Post-Script:   No
Job Pre-Script:       Yes
Job Post-Script:      No

Create a New Job:

Name: PostgreSQL
Path: /backups/pgsql
Description: PostgreSQL Backups
Pre-script: PostgreSQL Dump.sh

PostgreSQL dumps will be copied to the "Path" field (example: /backups/pgsql) and ElkarBackup will save this directory. If "Path" directory doesn't exist, it will be created on first execution.

All Distributions

This script logs into PostgreSQL two different ways. The first is with a .psql.cnf file in the home directory of user used to log into the host. The second is with postgres without a password.

Password Authentication with .psql.cnf (Recommended)

Generate file .psql.cnf in user home directory

Note: HOST and PORT are optional parameters


Important: this file must have 400 permissions:

$ chmod 0400 .psql.cnf

Password Authentication with default postgres user:

Modify pg_hba.conf add the following line

local   all             postgres                                trust

Restart PostgreSQL

service postgresql restart