
Query to <table>

Primary LanguageScala


Query to <table>


QueryTo<table> 1.0
Usage: qutie [options] <file> or <url>

  -s <indices> | --select <indices>
        comma separated field indices(0-origin)
  -w:<index>:<ope>=<value> | --where:<index>:<ope>=<value>
        String field filter
  -e:<index>:<ope>=<value> | --nwhere:<index>:<ope>=<value>
        Number field filter
  -i | --indexed
        prepend an index column
        show only 10 rows.
  --encoding <value>
        document encoding (file only)
  -ti <value> | --table-id <value>
        table ID
  -ts <value> | --table-selector <value>
        table selector; see: http://jsoup.org/cookbook/extracting-data/selector-syntax
  -se | --skip-empty
        skip epmty line
  <file> or <url>
        input file or URL

  <ope>: operators
      (null) | eq : equal
      ne     | !  : not equal
      lt   : less than
      lte  : less than or equal
      gt   : greater than
      gte  : greater than or equal
      like   | ~  : regular expression (String only)

        prints this usage text


# query to the results of Honolulu Marathon 2013
$ qutie http://www.pseresults.com/events/568/results -se \
  -s "1,2,4,5,7" -w:1:~="\d+" -e:1:gt=10000 --indexed