This is clean WordPress theme with minimal html5 markup and without styles for fast development starting yours project on WordPress.
Contain only the necessary and sufficient set of files and functionality.
Suitable for those who often makes sites on WordPress and beginners to understand how it works.
Almost every line of code is commented!
Include 2 version: with english and russian comments.
- 404.php - 404 error page
- archive.php - posts archive template
- category.php - category template
- comments.php - comments template, contain comments list and adding form
- footer.php - footer template
- function.php - functions of template
- header.php - header template
- index.php - front page template
- loop.php - post in loop template
- page.php - single page template
- search.php - search template
- sidebar.php - sidebar template
- single.php - single post template
- style.css - theme styles and description
- tag.php - tag template
- Comments list and adding form output is controlled entirely by you.
- Simple tag title constructing function.
- 2 registered menus with options.
- Thumbnails and images with custom sizes.
- Registering sidebar example.
- Pagination function.
- RSS and similar staff.
- Outputs of categories, tags, dates, previous/next post links, comments in single post template.
You may buy me some beer if you like it =)