3D Unet biomedical segmentation model powered by tensorpack with fast io speed
- afunTWKronos Research
- AllanZuoGuangzhou,Guangdong,China
- bi-naturalSamsung SDS
- bitterhoneyyBeijing
- cbbjames
- chang810249MediaTek
- chelovek21
- chiawenFacebook
- chitritaIndia
- CocoInParis
- ctwxdd
- DarKArieSGoodIdeas Studio
- emmacaort
- fmlinksLeeds
- HealinglHUST
- hongzuL
- huangmozhilv
- kanatmg
- kunalmessi10IIT Roorkee
- LittleStorys
- LiuHao-THUTsinghua University
- liziyan16
- MAGI003769University of Southern California
- mpsampat
- muween
- Philex5Nanjing JiangSu China
- QingyuncookieOcean University of China
- QL111111
- shanjgitTaiwan
- shiontaoShenzhen University
- TerryhungTaiwan
- tkuanlun350Microsoft
- towei
- xinrui-zhuang
- young310
- zc0925Southeast University