
Character Editor using tcl/tk

Primary LanguagePerl

Character Editor using Tcl/Tk

./README    ...  this file
./cedit     ...  launcher
./ceditmain ...  main program

Just copy ./cedit & ./ceditmain to the same directory.
Somewhere on your PATH recommended.

At command line 
 % cedit 
opens launcher. you can specify image size.
Push "Create" exec main program.

In the main program window, the most large part 
on the left side which is sub-divided by grid, 
called sketch-region.  In there, you can use the 
selected tool(Dot, Box, Paint) by pushing mouse 
button-1 and -2.
Tools are followings. It can be selected by clicking
on Tool drop-down-button on the right top,
	Dot:: draw point
	Box:: fill rectangle
	Paint:: flood fill
button-3 is a spuit-tool.

Grid On/Off toggle grid visibility.

Below the Grid On/Off, there're arrow buttons.
Click on the arrows cause entire image to shift 
a pixel for corresponding direction.

In the most bottom part, there's color-pallet.
Clicking on color-pallet changes current color. Current
color for mouse-1, -2 are displayed at top right corner. 
reversly, clicking on pallet with ctrl-key pressed, 
current color is copied to pallet.
And dragging mouse between two pallet causes gradation.

Double-click on pallet button opens Color Change Dialog.
you can change color indivisually. Colors can be specified