
A html5 based player for linked media

Primary LanguageJavaScript


LimePlayer is a player for semantically interlinked videos. It is developed within the ConnectMe Project (http://connectme.sti2.org/).


Szaby Grünwald Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft Salzburg, Austria szaby.gruenwald@salzburgresearch.at

Online demo



For including the player into your html file you'll need the following files to be included:

CSS to include

  • css/video-js.min.css
  • One of
    • css/screen.css
    • css/full-screen.css
    • css/full-screen-tv.css

JS to include

  • jQuery 1.7+
  • One of
    • lib/underscoreJS/underscore.min.js, lib/backboneJS/backbone.js, lib/rdfquery/latest/jquery.rdfquery.debug.js, lib/vie/vie.js are the dependencies
    • lib/lime-deps\[.min\].js The above dependencies packed for you in one file
  • One of
    • lib/lime\[.min\].js contains the player with all plugins in the repository
    • lib/lime-core\[.min\].js contains the player only, without the widget plugins

For data integration see the Wiki page Integration Manual


Apache License, Version 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)


For a detailed documentation on the architecture see the Github wiki or the documented source code


  1. Install node.js v0.6 or later
  2. Install grunt by running npm install -g grunt
  3. Install node dependencies by running npm install from the console

For building the compiled and the minified javascript files, run grunt or during develpment grunt watch

For generating an easy to read documented source code in html with docco-husky, run grunt doc.